June 2024 Moms

Symptoms - February

Might as well start this one now since we missed January 😂

Re: Symptoms - February

  • Two days in a row now I’ve gotten severe gas pain shortly after lunch. Anyone else have this? Got so bad today I had to go home from work (which is very unusual for teachers!). The only change is I’ve been wearing compression socks, my lunch choice hasn’t changed. 
  • I've been extraordinarily tired this week. I feel like I'm back in the first trimester. I've also had some slight heartburn over the last week too, which is something I didn't really have with my first pregnancy. I'm hoping it doesn't continue as I know some people can have really bad heartburn. AND I'm super emotional. It's been a fun week. 

    @littlemarshmallow sorry to hear about your gas pains. I haven't had anything like that, but know gas can be a pregnancy thing for sure. I wonder if maybe it's just everything getting tighter inside of you as baby grows? I hope it eases up soon!
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  • @curlyandpreggo I have also been super emotional the last 1.5 weeks. I thought I was doing so well at controlling my emotions up until the . We have a house project going on and yesterday I started yelling at my husband over something that was not his fault and then broke down crying because I felt bad and it was too overwhelming. I felt insane even when it was happening. 

    For me I feel like the exhaustion comes and goes. Some days I have a ton of energy and some days I can barely get out of bed 
  • @littlemarshmallow, did it get any better? Watch out for symptoms of gallstones/gallbladder issues in pregnancy! I have a friend who has to get hers removed right after she gives birth.

    I have so many new symptoms to rant about! Apparently I just pee myself sometimes now. I had a random unexplained allergic reaction last week and had to go to the ER at 21 weeks pregnant. And this week it is kind of painful to walk due to pelvic/groin pain that I have no idea what to do with other than force myself to walk slower. Also I'm really into eating all the time right now which is a huge improvement from first trimester, but I'm just feeling so huge already. Like how is there 17+ more weeks of growing the bump?! It's amazing and terrifying at the same time, lol.
  • Thankfully I’m feeling better. I’ve been drinking some peppermint tea, taking a stool softener, and eating smaller meals which seems to be helping with the gas!
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