Natural Birth

The Miles Circuit

My wife tried the Miles Circuit today and it was a disaster. We need help. She couldn't do step one without being deprived of oxygen and feeling a panic attack was coming on, it was extremely uncomfortable for her to have baby/belly pressed against the bed. We ended up doing the forward leaning inversion instead but only for 30 seconds. Second position wasn't bad, still uncomfortable but doable... They say you're supposed to be able to take a nap in this position... How? And then she tried doing the stairs for the third step but this could only be done for about 4 mins, 2 each side, and then she almost vomited after.... Please any help/tips would be appreciated..

Re: The Miles Circuit

  • Please remember that it's important to listen to her body and not push herself too hard during these exercises. Better if you consult your doctor just to make sure she's doing the exercise correctly and safely. I also had a hard time doing the same thing lol.
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