May 2023 Moms

Worried about autism at 6 months

I’ve been told 6 months is too early. But I have gone down the google rabbit hole and convinced myself that my baby girl has autism. I’m a first time mom and suffered with PPA so I hope this has something to do with it but based off YouTube videos and articles, I worry my daughter falls into the autism spectrum. Their a few little things but the main point that worries me most is her babbling. She cooed a lot and then stopped for a month. Then out of no way she started babbling “ba ba” for about 2 weeks and has since stopped all babbling and cooing. She has hit all other milestones but I worry about regression and that’s a big red flag. My husband believes it’s due to her trying crawl and teething. But I have a gut feeling something it wrong. Any advice or opinions here? I noticed it stopped after her 6 month shots but she also started teething them.
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