Hi! I browsed what is available thru my insurance as far as pumps go. Dr browns and Lanisoh are both covered at 100%. The dr brown seems to have good reviews but lots of people noting about the amount of parts to clean. The baby Buddha is a 20 or 30 dollar fee and seems to have good reviews as well, and would be a more portable option. Any opinions are welcome!!! Im a first time mom and literally know nothing lol. Planning to breastfeed if it goes well, but am not opposed to changing up the plan if needed. I’ll be home with the baby for the most part so don’t necessarily need a super portable pump?
I think I’m leaning towards the baby Buddha simply bec it is more expensive to buy out of pocket, so might as well get thru insurance and if I want the dr browns later it is around 100. Thoughts?!!
Re: Pump recs?