May 2024 Moms

Pump recs?

Hi! I browsed what is available thru my insurance as far as pumps go. Dr browns and Lanisoh are both covered at 100%. The dr brown seems to have good reviews but lots of people noting about the amount of parts to clean. The baby Buddha is a 20 or 30 dollar fee and seems to have good reviews as well, and would be a more portable option. Any opinions are welcome!!! Im a first time mom and literally know nothing lol. Planning to breastfeed if it goes well, but am not opposed to changing up the plan if needed. I’ll be home with the baby for the most part so don’t necessarily need a super portable pump? 

I think I’m leaning towards the baby Buddha simply bec it is more expensive to buy out of pocket, so might as well get thru insurance and if I want the dr browns later it is around 100. Thoughts?!! 

Re: Pump recs?

  • Medela “pump in style with Max flow” is another option :) 
  • I used the Baby Buddha with my first and loved it. I ended up exclusively pumping as my daughter didn’t latch well initially after hours upon hours of trying and stressing. I first used Medela from the hospital which is pricey to purchase (but rentable) before switching to the BB. The BB is portable, but not necessarily considered “wearable” (I think you can make it wearable with cups and some hacks.) It is small and still has hospital grade suction so can be used as your main pump if exclusively pumping. I got an Elvie because my insurance paid for most of it, but I found I didn’t respond to it, and the wearables, like the Elvie, are typically not recommended if you have to exclusively pump (which I know you mentioned probably won’t be your case). The suction strength on the BB is quite strong, which is a con for some, but you can use it on a low level. Check out BeMyBreastFriend on Instagram, as she has a lot of pump comparisons, hacks, recommendations, etc. 
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  • Thank you so much! Definitely will check her out on insta! 
  • With my first I used the baby Bella pump which is wired but rechargeable and with a nursing bra I could wear it around the house with the unit in the pocket of my robe. I also used the mom cozy when I was at work as it’s wearable and portable and held a decent amount. I also used the madela hand pump on occasion which was great for days when I had cracks and pain because I could control the suction much better. I BF and pumped from 4 months to 10 months as I had to go back to work after 3. I liked having different kinds of pumps as it meant I could wash all the parts at the end of the day instead of several times a day. (And by I, I mean my very kind husband washed all the dishes for me 😂)
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