1st Trimester

5 week ultrasound no pole or yolk

My first ultrasound was done last night at 5weeks3days. I was having a lot of pains and cramping (no bleeding) so went to the hospital to get checked out.

My hcg is still doubling so far (5000hcg when they checked last night). They did both internal and external ultrasound, but it just showed the sac and no fetal pole or yolk. It was really disheartening to see an empty sac. do I feel so depressed. Has anyone else experienced this to later see something? I am so beside myself :(

Re: 5 week ultrasound no pole or yolk

  • How do you know you are 5 weeks? Were you temping? OPK? If you are still in the 4 week range (remember periods and ovulation can vary and LMP is NOT the most accurate) this is very normal.  Don't be discouraged.  
  • edited January 2024
    Ultrasounds are not as accurate that early. When I miscarried, I didn’t find out until my first ultrasound at 11 weeks. It was an empty sac. My body was still acting pregnant. You posted this a long time ago, and I hope things worked out.
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