Babies: 0 - 3 Months

Circumcision Regret

I am not from an area where circumcision is common, but several of my family members (and my first boyfriend) had to be circumcised as older kids or adults due to recurring infections or painful phimosis. So, although I wasn't super comfortable with the idea of circumcising my son, I guess I was more easily persuaded having known the problems that can occur. We now live in an area where (locally), the infant circ rate is around 80%, and my spouse was highly in favor of it. I still didn't want to just blindly agree, so I asked my daughter's pediatrician and she "highly recommended" it (her words). In hindsight I feel it was very irresponsible of her not to even mention any potential downsides to it. 

Anyway, I now have extreme regret over it, and I just hope my son will be okay with being circumcised. I now know many men online feel angry towards their parents for circumcising them, but also many don't or else they wouldn't circumcise their own sons. I still feel that logically there are benefits, but I realize that it wasn't my call to make. 

Can any other parents relate to my feelings towards this? Does anyone else have regret?

Re: Circumcision Regret

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    I definitely feel your feelings about this topic. 
    I chose not to circumcise my son because I was petrified of the pain and discomfort he would feel from the procedure. And like you I had regrets of “ am I doing the best for my son? Will he regret that I did/ didn’t do what he would want me to?” 

    So even though I chose not to do it , I sometimes find myself regretting that I didn’t because of the same feelings of “ did I do the right thing?” But I believe after researching I do now believe that society just makes it a bigger deal than what it is - we mothers should trust our decisions for our kids and also give yourself some grace. 
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