1st Trimester

Really Thirsty and dry throat

Hey all! Pregnant with my 2nd child right now, though I tested super super early at 3 weeks and 3 days and got a positive and have been testing every day since with a positive line. ( Just had a feeling, and I'm 3 weeks and 6  days currently.)
Aside from all of that. Has anyone on here had experience with dry nose and just being really really thirsty? I didn't have this kind of thirst with my last one and I'm drinking so much water right now. My throat gets so dry from breathing through my nose. Plus side, I'm super early still, so not a lot of nausea or tossing chunks just yet. Just that constant thirst. 

Re: Really Thirsty and dry throat

  • This is my second baby and I have the same symptoms at 8 weeks. Did not happen with my last baby either. Super weird.
  • Whew! I am technically almost 5 weeks right now and I was/am worried about a chemical pregnancy or miscarriage again. The thirst was getting ridiculous. Now it's only at night when I wake up I am extremely thirsty, it seems to be getting better. Thank you for letting me know you're also going through this as well. I know every pregnancy is different and I'm definitely on edge because of my last few miscarriages. Fingers crossed it just means my body and the baby developing needed that extra water. 
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  • A humidifier helps with the dry nose and throat! I’m at week 7 and also so so thirsty, and have to pee like, way way more! Oh fun times! 
  • I am now in week 7 and I am staying hydrated pretty well! I am however having to pee a lot more now and definitely bloated way more than I was with my first baby. This second pregnancy I think it going to be a far cry different them my first. 
  • If you are drinking at least 64 oz per day and you are still thirsty, I highly recommend you see your doctor and get blood work. I am currently 10 weeks and this baby made me hypothyroid almost instantly. Everything was drying out until we got the meds dialed in.
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