May 2024 Moms

Due 5/8/24 haven’t felt baby move - 19 wks

Baby #3. Started feeling a little bit of movement the other day. Haven’t felt anything yesterday or today. Next appointment isn’t until early Jan. Am I being paranoid? Too early to feel baby move all the time?

Re: Due 5/8/24 haven’t felt baby move - 19 wks

  • It’s different for everyone. But when you first start to feel baby it’s totally normal to not feel something every day. They don’t usually even have you count kicks until third trimester. Since many women don’t feel anything by 19 weeks I wouldn’t worry at all. You can always try lying down and drinking some cold water or having some sugar or caffeine at night when babies are often active. But seriously, if you just started feeling movement a couple days ago then you probably won’t feel baby every day for a bit. Different things can factor. Baby’s hanging out in a different spot where you don’t feel as much. You’re super bloated. You’ve been busier and more distracted. 
  • I feel mine mostly at night & when I’m laying on my bed. During the day I don’t notice her much unless I’m relaxing. It’s not consistent either it’s pretty random. They sleep a lot! 
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  • I'm 19 weeks too (1st baby) and I'm still not totally sure I've felt my baby move. What I suspected might have been the baby has been less noticeable for a couple days too. I don't really have any experience to give advice, but you're not alone with wondering!
  • I thought I started feeling some a couple of times last week. Nothing lately! 😥
    It's still making me feel connected knowing that baby can feel my touch, but kind of bummed about it every night it doesn't happen now.
  • I’m 19 weeks and haven’t felt movement either. It bums me out and makes me anxious but I know it’s still on the earlier side for first pregnancy. Hoping when I slow down a bit over the holidays I might feel the little dude
  • It’s so normal to not feel anything at this point. Those of us who do feel early are abnormal. And this is my third and you feel each kid sooner, generally. But even so, 20-22 weeks is a normal time to start feeling baby. 
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