June 2024 Moms

Pregnancy after loss check in - December

This is a thread is for those who are pregnant after a previous loss(es). TW for entire thread due to discussion of MC, TFMR, CP, etc. 


Previous loss(es) (share as much or as little as you like)? 

How are you feeling? Emotionally & physically? 

Any appointment updates? 

Any big milestones?


Re: Pregnancy after loss check in - December

  • Weeks/EDD? 16 weeks / June 14

    Previous loss(es) (share as much or as little as you like)? Spontaneous loss at 6 weeks in Aug 2021, MMC with D&C at 12 weeks in Feb 2022, CP in Oct 2022, lost one baby during this pregnancy (it was twins but now a singleton)

    How are you feeling? Emotionally & physically? I just can’t believe we made it to 16 weeks! It feels completely unreal to me. After the last few years I started to believe it could never happen again for us, and this whole pregnancy I have been holding my breath. But here we are at 16 weeks, what a miracle! 

    Any appointment updates? Doing our NIPT next week and seeing the OBGYN, then MFM and level 2 ultrasound January 19

  • Weeks/EDD?16wks  June 12th

    Previous loss(es) (share as much or as little as you like)? MC Aug 21, then ectopic Nov 21 that let to tube starting to rupture while I was at work and lead to emergency surgery. Lost that fallopian tube. Recommended I take a year off to heal. After 5/6 rounds of letrazole we got this baby!

    How are you feeling? Emotionally & physically? Not as tired anymore. Hips are already super sore as this is third baby (two girls 7yr and 5yr). ANXIOUS. 

    Any appointment updates? Just had one at 16weeks they want to measure my cervix multiple times due to second daughter was born two months early. At this last appointment they recommend me checking in with a high risk just to make sure there isn’t anything extra we can be doing. 

    Any big milestones? 🤷‍♀️ not really. I’ve been feeling her move around. Feels like a slow slug going across my lower belly 😂. 

    Rants/Raves/Questions? Not at the moment
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  • Weeks/EDD? 16w June 15

    Previous loss(es) (share as much or as little as you like)? 1 CP in Jul 2022, 1 MC in Nov 2022, 1 MC in April 2023

    How are you feeling? Emotionally & physically? @maggiemadeit I feel the same way. After 3 MCs and multiple surgeries I was not convinced that this would ever happen for us. Every week and every ultrasound I still can’t believe we made it past the first trimester and everything looks so good. I am still nervous every time we have an ultrasound/appointment but it’s getting better.   

    Any appointment updates? I have my 16 week appointment next week and will hopefully schedule my anatomy scan then.

    Any big milestones? My RI is slowly weaning me off of my medications and I’m pretty excited about it. At one point I was on 7 medications and now I am only taking 2. In a couple week I should be off everything but the blood thinners (which I will probably be on the rest of the pregnancy).

    Rants/Raves/Questions? When do you normally start to feel the baby? Is it later with the first baby? I found out at my last ultrasound that the placenta is in front of my uterus and it says online this can delay feeling the baby move. I want to feel something and I think it will decrease my anxiety 
  • @sbaby2023 My son had an anterior placenta and I felt him around 19/20 weeks. I’m so excited for you to feel it. It’s so special and makes it feel so real! 
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