This is a thread is for those who are pregnant after a previous loss(es). TW for entire thread due to discussion of MC, TFMR, CP, etc.
Previous loss(es) (share as much or as little as you like)?
How are you feeling? Emotionally & physically?
Any appointment updates?
Any big milestones?
Re: Pregnancy after loss check in - December
Any big milestones? 🤷♀️ not really. I’ve been feeling her move around. Feels like a slow slug going across my lower belly 😂.
Any big milestones? My RI is slowly weaning me off of my medications and I’m pretty excited about it. At one point I was on 7 medications and now I am only taking 2. In a couple week I should be off everything but the blood thinners (which I will probably be on the rest of the pregnancy).