1st Trimester

Measuring behind schedule?

Hi guys! I had my first ultrasound appointment today and according to my apps I should have been measuring at 8 weeks, 1 day. When the midwife did the ultrasound today, she had me reading at 6 weeks 4 days. I know this can happen, but I’m struggling with timeline. The first day of my last period was October 9th and the last time my husband and I had sex was October 27th. I did test positive for covid on the 17th of October so I’m wondering if this messed up my ovulation? Did anyone have a similar experience? I’m wondering if I should get a second opinion just to make sure they see the same thing.

Re: Measuring behind schedule?

  • Trust the midwife!- a human hand can be off by a millimeter and that can make a difference.  Due dates are am ESTIMATE not an exact science.  Trust the midwife or find a doctor/midwife you do trust.  

    Hi guys! I had my first ultrasound appointment today and according to my apps I should have been measuring at 8 weeks, 1 day. When the midwife did the ultrasound today, she had me reading at 6 weeks 4 days. I know this can happen, but I’m struggling with timeline. The first day of my last period was October 9th and the last time my husband and I had sex was October 27th. I did test positive for covid on the 17th of October so I’m wondering if this messed up my ovulation? Did anyone have a similar experience? I’m wondering if I should get a second opinion just to make sure they see the same thing.

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