(Only If you know already!) Team blue/pink/green: Green
Upcoming Appointments: Anatomy ultrasound 12/22
How are you feeling?: pretty good! Anxious to start feeling baby movements! Right now i think i feel something, but it is not an obvious baby movement 😊
Rants/Raves: N/A
Questions: N/A
GTKY: What is your favorite holiday? I love Thanksgiving and Christmas 😊
Rants/Raves: thanksgiving was okay. I was exhausted and sore, we prepped too much food. But it was good! We decorated for Christmas this past weekend 😁
Questions: I’ve been thinking about a mini crib lately instead of the bassinet/pack n play. We don’t have the room right now for the full size crib. Are mini cribs worth it?
(Only If you know already!) Team blue/pink/green: N/A, still not sure when we want to find out
Upcoming Appointments: 2 weeks
How are you feeling?: Lots of heartburn, stomach is looking rounder, but still not sure if it's a bump, and haven't felt this picky about eating since I was a kid which is pretty difficult mentally and physically.
Rants/Raves: Not much right now, just hanging in there. Rounding the corner to second trimester which is a milestone! Not very hopeful that I will magically feel amazing about pregnancy though. 😆
Questions: Does anyone actually love being pregnant? Or is this a lie that women tell to themselves when they are no longer pregnant? Only thought about it because I recently got the question myself and I thought it was a little odd to have been asked.
GTKY: What is your favorite holiday? Probably 4th of July! 🎆 Maybe just because it's my birthday month, lol! 🎂
@HGRich, I have also been super gaggy! I think my tight jeans are making it worse right now. And a friend told me switching her toothpaste helped with heartburn/reflux. There's something about minty toothpaste/menthol that can bother it more.
Really exciting that some of you all are feeling your baby's movement! ❤️
@stress_engine I love 2nd tri. Especially once you can feel baby a lot! 3rd tri is painful for me so I love it less. But I generally have a good time. It’s totally okay to not love it though!
@virtaur, good to know! The exciting part definitely is anything that is actually about baby! I wouldn't say that I hate pregnancy so far, but love is a strong word! It's hard to love it when I barely get to glimpse or know baby better and I feel so much worse than compared to my normal.
(Only If you know already!) Team blue/pink/green: blue
Upcoming Appointments: Dec 11 18 week anatomy scan ultrasound
How are you feeling?: pretty good except still super-tired all the time. But I got bloodwork done and it turns out I’m anemic! So hopefully if I address that I’ll start to feel better. We are also getting ready to tell people this month so that’s fun.
Also feeling a bit overwhelmed at all we have to do to prepare, now that we are in the second trimester and sh*t is getting real!
Rants/Raves: totally leaning into, and loving, not doing up my pants fully. I will probably have to buy maternity pants soon but until then, unbuttoning my pants and loving it.
Questions: how much should we expect to spend, all in, for all the supplies etc we need before baby comes?
GTKY: What is your favorite holiday? Thanksgiving! All the good food and no expectations for gifts!
@louloumama this is a hard question. Because it really depends on what you want to get & then subtract gifted items from a shower etc. it can add up very quickly. I have 40-something things on my current registry and it’s over $1000. That’s not including a car seat, diapers, crib, glider, swing, nursery decor, paint, etc (if you’re doing a nursery). So it can be a lot. But many of the things you will register for you don’t need right away. Just a safe place for baby to sleep, a car seat, clothes, diapers, bottles/formula if not BF, monitor, swaddles, baby bathtub & supplies. So you can always buy the others at a later time!
@stress_engine I’ve never loved being pregnant. My first was a rainbow baby after loss. So I was anxious the whole time. The second I had a young toddler and could barely focus on being pregnant and then I had gestational diabetes with him and I hated that. This kid was a surprise so I have mixed feelings. I’m starting to like it a lot more. I have a high chance of getting gestational diabetes again which will suck but knowing I’ve done it once and managed it well makes it easier for me. I’ll probably still complain about it a lot if I do. Haha. But yeah. Thankful for the babies. Don’t love being pregnant at all.
Re: Weekly Check In 11/27
Baby is the size of an avocado
Team blue
Upcoming appointment: anatomy scan 12/6
Feeling: reflux, exhaustion. My skin is clearing up just a tiny bit. But I’m also getting bacne. Like wtf.
GTKY: 4th of July or Easter. Really I just love warm weather holidays. Which Easter isn’t always, but it’s promising spring which is nice.
Really exciting that some of you all are feeling your baby's movement! ❤️
to spend, all in, for all the supplies etc we need before baby comes?