March 2024 Moms

Pregnancy Check In - Week of 11/20

EDD / Weeks + Days: 


Baby is the size of a (an): 

Team blue/pink/green:

Upcoming Appointments: 

How are you feeling?: 



GTKY: Are you doing anything for Thanksgiving (US folks)? What traditions does your family do/or would you like to start with your kid(s)?
Me: 33 DH: 32
Started Dating: 2003 Married: 2013
Started TTC August 2016
BFP: 2/1/17 MC: 2/8/17
BFP: 3/8/17 MMC: 5/1/17
BFP: 7/23/17 EDD: 4/5/18
BFP: 2/27/20

Re: Pregnancy Check In - Week of 11/20

  • EDD / Weeks + Days: 24w3d

    FTM/STM/TTM+: 3&4TM

    Baby is the size of a (an): cantaloupe 

    Team blue/pink/green: 💙💙

    Upcoming Appointments: today with the MW, next week with the OB

    How are you feeling?: Good! Starting to have a harder time sleeping, but otherwise ok.

    Questions: Anyone have a Zoe or Valco stroller? 

    GTKY: Are you doing anything for Thanksgiving (US folks)? What traditions does your family do/or would you like to start with your kid(s)? 

    We had dinner with my in laws on Sat, and will do the same with my family tomorrow. My sisters and their kids are visiting, so that will be fun!

    We do a Thankful Turkey with the kids and they get really into it. I think it helps us all to think more about gratitude.
    Me: 33 DH: 32
    Started Dating: 2003 Married: 2013
    Started TTC August 2016
    BFP: 2/1/17 MC: 2/8/17
    BFP: 3/8/17 MMC: 5/1/17
    BFP: 7/23/17 EDD: 4/5/18
    BFP: 2/27/20

  • EDD / Weeks + Days: 22 weeks 


    Baby is the size of a (an): Coconut

    Team blue/pink/green: B

    Upcoming Appointments: Dec 1st 

    How are you feeling?: big.. started working out again though and it’s really helping 

    Rants/Raves: So excited to see my nieces for thanksgiving this week! 
    Having an anterior placenta sucks, because some days I feel baby moving like crazy and others days not so much. I know it’s common, but I hate it and it makes me nervous 

    Questions: Any items you wanted the first time around that you didn’t get or found useless that you want the second time around? 

    GTKY: Are you doing anything for Thanksgiving (US folks)? What traditions does your family do/or would you like to start with your kid(s)?

    Spending it with family and have family coming in. I spent the last 6 years with my fiancés family (puerto Rican) so I’ve had a non traditional thanksgiving lol so… 
    Ill be adding some Arroz con gondules to the mix this year at my moms 😂 
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  • EDD / Weeks + Days: 2/26; 26+1


    Baby is the size of a (an): Butternut Squash

    Team blue/pink/green: blue

    Upcoming Appointments: 12/4 for 28wk appt and 3hr glucose test for the second time 

    How are you feeling?: Sore hips and lower back, I gave in and got a belly band which has been helpful! Other than that, pretty good- feeling baby more and more each week which is making it feel more real by the day.

    Rants/Raves: My husband made STRIDES on the nursery this weekend while I was out running errands. He did so much and I am just so thankful for him. 

    GTKY: Are you doing anything for Thanksgiving (US folks)? What traditions does your family do/or would you like to start with your kid(s)?
    We're headed 2 hours away to my parents for a few days and then another hour away to my aunts for Thanksgiving. We have to work on Saturday which is a bummer, but I'm excited to snuggle all the little ones and show off the bump to family!
  • EDD / Weeks + Days: 6 Feb, 29+0

    FTM/STM/TTM+: ftm

    Baby is the size of a (an): cauliflower! Now I can call her mon petit choufleur!

    Team blue/pink/green: girl

    Upcoming Appointments: had an unexpected one last week and my 30 week check up is in a week. 

    How are you feeling?: now ok, but I had a uti last week, which was no fun. Also getting these spells of slightly faster heart rate and exhaustion 

    Rants/Raves: loving the maternity jeans! I got a bunch that someone was giving away, and there are a couple of pairs I wish I could keep wearing postpartum; they’re so comfy.

    Starting week two of hubby on his overseas trip. I actually feel a lot less anxious than when he was leaving, and I only get waves of worry now when I’m chatting with him or it’s super late and he hasn’t sent a message. Definitely not “excessive worry”, thankfully :)

    Questions: does anyone have appointments over the December holidays? I should have a 34 week appointment on Christmas Day, but I assume that won’t happen. A bit worried going from 32-36 weeks without any check in (also, can’t believe that is creeping up so quickly… we need to decide on a name!!!)

    GTKY: Are you doing anything for Thanksgiving (US folks)? What traditions does your family do/or would you like to start with your kid(s)?

    We already celebrated Canadian thanksgiving, but I might FaceTime during my sister’s for a bit. Otherwise it’s just me and the cat. 

    @alexxajams I have a posterior placenta and up until a few weeks ago, I was going for days without feeling anything. It was also worrisome, but the Dr stressed that there won’t be any regularity until around week 28
  • @cioccolata16 re: appointments through the holidays- I'm 32 weeks on New Years Day, so I feel you. My ob group as a whole has been kinda funny with appointments and strange scheduling. Ex: I've gone 6 weeks in between appointments since 16 weeks, HR opens the books each month sporadically, etc. So I'm interested/ stressed about how they handle this.
  • @cioccolata16 I'm glad you're not feeling "excessively worried" and you're doing okay without your husband for such a long time!

    @hedgepig I like the thankful turkey idea!

    EDD / Weeks + Days: February 24, 26+3


    Baby is the size of a (an): Green onions?

    Team blue/pink/green: Blue

    Upcoming Appointments: December 8 for a growth scan and check up

    How are you feeling?: I'm existentially tired, but otherwise good. I had some really terrible sciatic nerve pain and could barely walk for a day last week, but I tried sciatic "nerve flossing" and it worked amazingly and my back feels great! Highly recommend for back pain.

    Rants/Raves: We took my daughter to Disneyland last week and it was a lot of fun. I don't want to be back to real life. Spending all day with my family and not having a lot of responsibilities was too fun. My daughter did great on the 9 hour car ride there and back, and surprisingly it wasn't too hard on my body either. Walking around all day for many days in a row, I can definitely feel the extra 30 lbs I am carrying around now.

    Questions: none

    GTKY: Are you doing anything for Thanksgiving (US folks)? What traditions does your family do/or would you like to start with your kid(s)? My husband and I realized a couple years ago that we don't really like most of the traditional Thanksgiving foods all that much, but we are now adults and don't have to eat that food. So we decided to cook for our parents and siblings and make a feast of food we do want to eat and that's been our tradition ever since. I am looking forward to it!
  • EDD / Weeks + Days: 24w3d, 3/9


    Baby is the size of a (an): cantaloupe

    Team blue/pink/green: pink 

    Upcoming Appointments: next Friday.

    How are you feeling?: really good minus the tingly hands

    Rants/Raves: we did our annual cider press Saturday so I spent Sunday/monday canning up apple cider, cider syrup, candy apple jelly and apple pie moonshine🤤 my back is paying the price today though. 

    Questions: natm

    GTKY: Are you doing anything for Thanksgiving (US folks)? What traditions does your family do/or would you like to start with your kid(s)? 
    We always do dinner at home just us and then desserts with my brothers and their families on Thursday. Then usually dinner with my husbands family Saturday. My niece’s bday is thanksgiving day this year so her mom offered to host a couple months ago and then never followed up with anyone so currently no plan with his family🤷🏻‍♀️

    @alexxajams I wanted a bassinet to keep bedside with DS1 but let my dad and the price talk me out of it. I ended up cosleeping with DS1 very early and it took until he was 3 to get him out of my bed. With DS2 we got a halo bassinet secondhand and it was perfect especially the first few days post C-section when it’s hard to move around. DS2 made the transition to his crib much easier than DS1 because he was mostly in the bassinet at night. We did cosleep some but not as frequently as DS1.
  • farm_mamafarm_mama member
    edited November 2023
    EDD / Weeks + Days: March 9/ 24W + 3d

    FTM/STM/TTM+: 4th

    Baby is the size of a (an): Burrito

    Team blue/pink/green: Blue

    Upcoming Appointments: Not until next month

    How are you feeling?: So exhausted!

    Rants/Raves: I feel like I always rave about the same thing, but my big kids have been so wonderful. My H was out of town for two weeks leaving me with all the regular kid and house stuff, plus all the farm and cow chores. I did it, but not well! My kids were so kind and helpful!

    GTKY: Are you doing anything for Thanksgiving (US folks)? What traditions does your family do/or would you like to start with your kid(s)? We usually have a fairly standard Thanksgiving meal. We make all the classics. One of my daughters is really into baking pies so that is pretty great!
  • @dinomeetsjedi I am curious what's on your menu?!

    @cioccolata16 How long will your H be away?
  • EDD / Weeks + Days:  22 weeks


    Baby is the size of a (an): coconut 

    Team blue/pink/green: green 

    Upcoming Appointments: glucose and checkin sometime in late Dec. I should schedule those! 

    How are you feeling?: getting better. We got hit with norovirus, then a nasty cold. Everyone is finally on the mend! 

    Rants/Raves: so glad to be feeling better and love this time of year. Also I have nicknamed this baby “kicky pants”. LO is super active, which is fun to feel! 

    GTKY: Are you doing anything for Thanksgiving (US folks)? What traditions does your family do/or would you like to start with your kid(s)? We do a pretty typical thanksgiving menu. We host, and have anywhere from 1-10 guests. Varies every year. Gotta love mountain passes for fall/winter travel. Luckily it’s always laid-back! 

    One of my favorite November traditions is Dinovember. Super fun and the kids love it! Then December we do all the things. Busy, but so fun. 
  • @farm_mama On the menu is Tri-tip and shrimp, deviled eggs, french onion soup, sourdough bread, fruit salad, green salad, pumpkin and pecan pies, and maybe a cheeseball for a snack while everyone watches football. Super random menu, but I'm very excited.
    Also, I love that you rave about your kids every week. Its sweet :smile:

    @halfanewt I have never heard of dinovember so I looked it up and I love it! That's amazing, but I am way too lazy to do it.
  • @dinomeetsjedi ours are not as mischevious as those on the website! They like to play with the kids toys, explore the house, etc. pic of a typical setup in the spoiler :) 

  • @farm_mama he’s gone another week, so a bit over two in total. He didn’t leave me alone with kids and a farm, so I probably have it a bit easier ;) but I also don’t know many people here still, so it’s just been a bit lonely. 

    @halfanewt love dinovember… and that they’re plying hungry hungry hippos!!
  • ✨ going to post this even though the new week starts so soon. I actually have a minute if time right now

    EDD / Weeks + Days: March 7, 25+2


    Baby is the size of a (an): cauliflower

    Team blue/pink/green: 💚

    Upcoming Appointments: midwife on Dec 13th

    How are you feeling?: tired and tired of being sick all the time. School germs are seriously kicking our butts. Im pretty much at the point of just surrendering to being sick every 2 weeks until summer. In all other aspects I’m doing really well though.

    Rants/Raves: Rave for not hosting thanksgiving this year. While I do actually love it and love cooking and prepping, and decorating, it has been sooooo much less stressful. Literally put myself into preterm labor cooking Thanksgiving dinner for days 2 years ago during my daughter’s pregnancy- 

    Questions: anyone score any fun Black Friday deals? I’ve been mostly window shopping but will probably pull yhe trigger on a Sarah Wells pump bag and a Davin & Adley nursing cami

    GTKY: Are you doing anything for Thanksgiving (US folks)? What traditions does your family do/or would you like to start with your kid(s)? We are pretty traditional when it comes to Thanksgiving aka: boring. 
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