June 2024 Moms

Telling Work

Have you all told your jobs you’re pregnant? How did it go? I love my boss and feel she will be supportive, but feel a little nervous. I’m almost 9 weeks and don’t know when is too late or too soon. (I know legally I can miss work for appointments and leave but still feel unsure of how the conversation goes!)

Re: Telling Work

  • I’m nervous to tell work too (I am a teacher in a small K-12 school). With my first it was easy! But I am still on maternity leave and am not going back until January. We want to make it public soon (I’m 12 weeks) but if we do I should also be telling work. (Super small town so news spreads fast)
  • @mgf17 I told my boss when I was a little over 9 weeks. I planned to wait until 12 weeks, but was feeling awful so wanted to let her know. She was super supportive! I'll probably share more broadly after 12 weeks. 
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  • With my first 2, I worked in an office, and I told my boss before my first prenatal appointment because I wanted to tell her why I was going to be out. I work from home now (same company/boss), and I'm planning on waiting until 12 weeks to tell her. No one is seeing that I look like trash most days  :D
    Married: May 2012
    DS1: May 2016
    DS2: Jan 2019
    Baby #3 EDD: 6/18/24

  • I'll probably tell work next week. We're only 8w4d today, but I wanted to make sure our first u/s confirmed a healthy baby this far along. I've already told the three gals I work closest with, but I'll tell the rest of my team soon. 
  • I am due June 25 and told my work the other day. My husband and I were going to wait until after the 12 week scan but we work at the same place and when we both keep requesting the same times off for doctors appointments it becomes obvious lol. They were not at all surprised since we had just come back from an appointment together the morning we told them. They were very supportive and appreciated the early notice. They did not seem to be worried at all and gave us loads of information on our parental leave right and told us to take our time deciding what how and when we want to take our leave. I feel so relieved honestly. We have told our boss to keep it to themselves and HR for the time being and plan to tell everyone else just after Christmas I think.
  • My husband and I are both teachers at the same school and I was so relieved how supportive they were!
  • I am worried about telling work. I work from home on a client facing role and my contract with my current client is up at the end of the year. There is another contract I am interviewing for but I don’t want being pregnant to change if I get it or not. What is the latest I can tell work? I want to give them time but don’t want this to affect my role!
  • @sbaby2023 I think it may depend on where you live, but in Massachusetts there is no legal requirement for when you have to tell them. I think the HR policy at my last job (which was also WFH and client-facing) was 30 days prior to the time you need the leave. I told them earlier, and it was great. All my colleagues were European and appalled by the US maternity leave policies so they were extra nice to me and gave me a light load toward the end. After I returned they also gave me a bonus in the exact amount that I had to go unpaid during my leave. Miss that job a lot! 
  • I’m starting a new job on Monday. When I applied I didn’t even know I was pregnant. I’m not sure when to tell them or if they’ll be upset that I didn’t say anything beforehand. I’m 11w with twins 2nd pregnancy so I’m starting to show. I just want to show them I can do the job before breaking the news 
  • @Molina93 Congrats on the new job! As you probably know, you aren't legally obligated to tell them that you are pregnant, but that still doesn't mean they won't be upset. That said, hopefully they will be understanding!
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