1st Trimester

How to quit cannabis in early pregnancy

I am only 4 weeks today, I have three faint line positive tests but I was not trying. I have become someone who smokes weed (two bong tokes) every 4 hours or so daily. I know it’s not a lot, but I also know I need to quit; however, I don’t know how to do this properly. I don’t want to shock my system and risk losing my baby or something like that, but I also don’t want to continue smoking it and hurt my baby. I would call my doctor and make an appointment to get all of the answers but it just so happened my partner tested positive for Covid so this is the best I can do until he is better. As I have tested negative but live with him I have to be safe. Any advice would help!

Re: How to quit cannabis in early pregnancy

  • Congratulations on your pregnancy! There are very few good quality studies on the effects of marijuana on pregnancy outcomes, so you really can’t know the effect on your unborn baby if you continue. There is no risk to abruptly quitting marijuana, regardless of the amount you smoke. It might be unpleasant but you will not shock your system by quitting cold turkey or experience any dangerous effects of withdrawal, like you would for some other drugs. 
  • Congratulations on your pregnancy! I agree with what the other person said. I was a daily smoker for many years before I found out I was pregnant and it didn’t shock my system to quit suddenly the day I found out I was pregnant!
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