Babies: 0 - 3 Months

Is this normal…? Boobs constantly hard / feel uncomfortable

This is my first baby so I have literally no idea what it’s supposed to feel like, wondering if it’s just me or if this is normal… I exclusively pump, but even when i was doing breast feeding, my nipples are constantly hard. Even after I pump & empty them, they’re hard and I have random leaking still even after pumping for long periods of time. I constantly feel overstimulated and uncomfortable. Am I stuck feeling like this until I’m done producing milk…? Or does your body get used to it all and it goes away…? Or am I just alone with how uncomfortable I feel constantly.

Re: Is this normal…? Boobs constantly hard / feel uncomfortable

  • I’ve never exclusively pumped but I think it takes time for your milk supply to regulate once it comes in. You do tend to feel overfull and yes, nipples can be sensitive and randomly leak…even emotions can make them let down milk. It is supposed to regulate. Then 3 or 4 months later, it regulates again to become super efficient…and that’s when we all think we are losing our milk supply and our babies clusterfeed for a few days and make us think they aren’t getting enough, buuuut it’s all normal and the boobs stop storing milk so much as producing just enough. 
    Right now though, it’s you telling the body how much milk to make using a machine. 
    Perhaps you need to talk to other pumping moms about it too because there could be a machine that is more kind to your boobs. 
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