2nd Trimester

Overly concerned family members?

So I’m 25+5 weeks along. Since about week 13 baby girl has been measuring ahead (84th percentile for size and weight). Doc says if she jumps into 90th percentile then growth checks become a thing and due date might be pushed or induction but we will see when we get that far. My family saw me yesterday and said that I’m really big for how along I am and said they’re concerned about my growth given my size (5ft tall). He told me to bring it up with my dr because he thinks there’s no way I can deliver this baby without c section. Now, I have PCOS so chances of c section are high anyways and PCOS women tend to have bigger than average babies. But are they just overly concerned family members? They’re kinda spooking me out and have me worried that I’m too big. As far as weight gain goes, I’m right on track. Do I need to start setting boundaries about comments on my growth? 

Re: Overly concerned family members?

  • I would tell your family that your medical team is closely monitoring you and that you don’t want any more comments about your size 
  • Honestly the doctors told me the same thing I was in the 90th percentile and the baby was going to be “really big!” Well I gave birth and my baby was 7’6 lbs and 21.5 inches.. I was only one week early so the baby was full term. I also heard this from some of my friends all of the scans were wildly off (trajectory told me a 10 lb baby) I would not pay much attention as long as you’re healthy. 
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  • I wouldn’t take your family’s comments to heart even though that can be hard sometimes, only what your provider says. I’ve had family insist on doing certain things in regards to my pregnancy but remind them it’s my pregnancy not theirs 😂
    Also, my bump is huge for 24 weeks even though my baby is measuring in the 36th percentile and I’m 5’6. Everyone carries so differently but I’ve also heard that the scans can be wildly inaccurate in predicting how big baby will be. 

  • Remember woman have been delivering all sizes of babies for centuries, our bodies are made for it! And we have more information on the human body than ever, and more ability to intervene when necessary. Your doctor is aware of your health history, is monitoring the baby, and has taken the potential situations into account. Trust health professionals over concerned family members any day.
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