have been noticing some brown discharge when I go to the washroom - any others experienced this before? Seeing my dr tomorrow but thought I’d check on here
Yes, both in my last pregnancy and this one. I go in and get checked, and baby is fine. Just a subchorionic hematoma. Could be all kinds of innocent things, including sex. Good luck and try not to stress too much until your doc can confirm that everything is okay.
Yes! First spotting I experienced was at 7 weeks but only lasted for a couple of days. Im currently at 9 weeks and I’ve been having it for three days… I had an ultrasound at 8 weeks and everything seems to be okay, so I’m hoping that it is normal!
I had brown spotting then it progressed to light bleeding. I was 6 weeks at the time. I was freaking out. Called my doctor and I came in for a ultrasound. They couldn’t figure out if baby was ectopic or intrauterine in addition to the bleeding so I was referred to ER room. Baby was found to be intrauterine and I was diagnosed with subchorionic hemorrhaging. The hemorrhaging was intermittent and ranged from spotting to light bleeding. I am currently not bleeding anymore. My OB states there’s nothing that can be done and baby is fine. The brown blood has to leak out.
Re: Brown Discharge