March 2024 Moms

Pregnancy Check In - Week of 10/2

EDD / Weeks + Days: 


Baby is the size of a (an): 

Team blue/pink/green:

Upcoming Appointments: 

How are you feeling?: 



GTKY: Halloween costumes - what are you going to be? Any ideas for maternity costumes/ones that feature a belly? If you have older kids, what do they want to be?
Me: 33 DH: 32
Started Dating: 2003 Married: 2013
Started TTC August 2016
BFP: 2/1/17 MC: 2/8/17
BFP: 3/8/17 MMC: 5/1/17
BFP: 7/23/17 EDD: 4/5/18
BFP: 2/27/20

Re: Pregnancy Check In - Week of 10/2

  • EDD / Weeks + Days: March 9th/17w2d

    FTM/STM/TTM+: 3&4TM

    Baby is the size of a (an): pomegranate 

    Team blue/pink/green: 💙💙

    Upcoming Appointments: Tomorrow with OB

    How are you feeling?: Good! Large 😆

    Rants/Raves: My appt last Friday got rescheduled to tomorrow, which was annoying because I was excited for it, but it turns out to be way better timing this way.
    Rave: I'm feeling the babies move more, which is the best! Also, I have scored 2 twin baby carriers and 2 twin nursing pillows off Mercari or FB/Reddit groups and am stoked to be saving a bit of money!

    GTKY: Halloween costumes - what are you going to be? Any ideas for maternity costumes/ones that feature a belly? If you have older kids, what do they want to be? 
    🤷🏻‍♀️🤷🏻‍♀️🤷🏻‍♀️ My energy level is low for Halloween this year 🫠 My kids change their minds multiple times a day, but last night they both wanted to be Little Red Riding Hood, and I thought that was cute 😊
    Me: 33 DH: 32
    Started Dating: 2003 Married: 2013
    Started TTC August 2016
    BFP: 2/1/17 MC: 2/8/17
    BFP: 3/8/17 MMC: 5/1/17
    BFP: 7/23/17 EDD: 4/5/18
    BFP: 2/27/20

  • EDD / Weeks + Days: 21wk 5 days

    FTM/STM/TTM+: stm

    Baby is the size of a (an): a large banana (very specific 😂 the sizes always crack me up)

    Team blue/pink/green: green for now

    Upcoming Appointments: redo ultrasound in a couple weeks to check the heart

    How are you feeling?: came down with the crud so not great 

    Rants/Raves: poop TMI
    Unreliable intestine is unreliable. I feel like I'm at a 9 (my husband and I have a "need to poop" scale haha) and then I sit down and nothing happens. I didn't want to poop myself taking my kid to daycare this morning so ended up in a 30 minute poop standoff and almost made him miss daycare breakfast 😢
    Finally starting to get him in the habit of making his bed when he gets up but he's been leaking every night so now I have to tell him not to. Any suggestions on keeping a 3yo from leaking his overnights every night?


    GTKY: Halloween costumes - what are you going to be? Any ideas for maternity costumes/ones that feature a belly? If you have older kids, what do they want to be?
    I'm going to do a unicorn with a little horn and a bit of fake blood poking out of my tummy for our work holiday party. Toddler wants to be Elmo which is kind of boring so I'm waiting to buy anything in case he changes his mind
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  • EDD / Weeks + Days: Feb 26; 19+1


    Baby is the size of a (an): a Gameboy! lol

    Team blue/pink/green: blue

    Upcoming Appointments: Anatomy Scan next Monday! I can't wait

    How are you feeling?: Pretty good! The acid reflux had officially become a daily occurrence. 

    Rants/Raves: Spent my birthday weekend with my family and 2 nephews (2y and 4mo). It was soooo great having so much baby time and snuggles but boy am I exhausted! A true glimpse into my near future, I guess lol.

    GTKY: Halloween costumes - what are you going to be? Any ideas for maternity costumes/ones that feature a belly? If you have older kids, what do they want to be? I'm going to be Post MA-lone. So basically Post malone with a baby belly lol.
  • @hedgepig My energy for Halloween is also low. Usually I make the kids costumes, but I just don't have the energy this year. DS wants to wear the same costume as last year, so why not! My big girls haven't decided yet and just want to make lots of plans with their friends. So who knows!
  • @farm_mama Right? I usually make their costumes too, but this year my son spotted a fire fighter costume at Costco, so looks like we'll just go with that. And DD can't decide, so we'll see.
    Me: 33 DH: 32
    Started Dating: 2003 Married: 2013
    Started TTC August 2016
    BFP: 2/1/17 MC: 2/8/17
    BFP: 3/8/17 MMC: 5/1/17
    BFP: 7/23/17 EDD: 4/5/18
    BFP: 2/27/20

  • EDD / Weeks + Days: March 9 - 17w, 3d

    FTM/STM/TTM+: 4th

    Baby is the size of a (an): Orange

    Team blue/pink/green: Blue

    Upcoming Appointments: Not for a while

    How are you feeling?: Ugh. Gross all the way around. Still struggling with food aversion, lack of appetite and nausea. My bump is here in full force, but doesn't look cute under most of my clothes. I am so cranky. I just, am not loving this. I really want to be, but I am not!

    Rants/Raves: Rave for my amazing kids. They are being so kind and understanding of my constant food complaints and daily naps. I am struggling and they have been so empathetic.


    GTKY: Halloween costumes - what are you going to be? Any ideas for maternity costumes/ones that feature a belly? If you have older kids, what do they want to be? I've got nothing! I probably won't dress up at all. My kids will probably do super low key trick or treating, but see above the big kids have big plans! We generally celebrate Dia De La Muerte as well as Halloween, which I much prefer! I will cook enchiladas, Pan de muerto, and make spicy hot chocolate. We will set up an alter for loved ones who've passed.
  • @farm_mama sorry you are struggling! But so happy to hear your kids are being supportive. Stay strong!
  • EDD / Weeks + Days: Feb 6, 22+0


    Baby is the size of a (an): a coconut or a Gameboy, apparently 

    Team blue/pink/green: girl

    Upcoming Appointments: just finished my monthly check-in (everything is tracking nicely) and I’ll have another in 4 weeks. 

    How are you feeling?: the best I’ve felt since week 4! Definitely tiring more easily, and still getting proctalgia 1-2x a week (not fun). But I’m really enjoying all the movement, even if it can be slightly uncomfortable sometimes. 

    Rants/Raves: we’re starting to try out calling the bump different candidate names. But it’s so hard! And my hubby and I definitely have slightly different preferred names. 

    GTKY: Halloween costumes - what are you going to be? Any ideas for maternity costumes/ones that feature a belly? If you have older kids, what do they want to be? I don’t remember the last time I dressed up for Halloween 😅 but my next appointment is on the 31st, so maybe I’ll get one of those X-ray t-shirts with baby…
  • EDD / Weeks + Days: February 24, 19+3


    Baby is the size of a (an): My app says a tomato, but also says the baby is about 9.5 inches. I'm not sure where the app creators are getting their tomatoes but I want one.

    Team blue/pink/green: Blue

    Upcoming Appointments: 10/13

    How are you feeling?: Heartburn is definitely a thing now. I didn't have this last pregnancy, I'm not really a fan. I had really bad allergies (I guess) for a few weeks but now it's down to a manageable runny nose. Otherwise, I'm kind of surprised how tired I still am, I have some energy in the mornings (some days) but I'm definitely not getting the promised 2nd trimester "burst of energy". For some reason I am just dreading taking my blood pressure everyday starting next week. 

    Rants/Raves: My toddler has been the cutest lately. I don't really think she understands about the baby but she loves kissing my belly and patting it and I love it. Her NICU follow up was amazing news in all areas (except weight gain, but I think we all just have to accept she's very petite at this point) and my Anatomy scan went well. We saw a ton of penis pictures (which I found a little weird they took so many, one was super clear with the shape and detail of everything, but I guess at least we're all now very sure it's a boy?) and he was very cooperative and they were able to see and measure everything. I was relieved to see he was measuring right on track/a day ahead, even though I am aware their measurements at this point are not super accurate. I'm still choosing to take it as a good sign. My daughter was measuring a week behind, which nobody was concerned about (except me) at the time but I think it was the beginning signs of IUGR and other issues. Overall it was a good week for appointments!

    Questions: When are our appointments supposed to go from monthly to bi-weekly? I forget, and the nurse who scheduled me out through January just did them monthly, but my January appt. I'll be ~34 weeks and I think I'm supposed to have a sooner one.

    GTKY: Halloween costumes - what are you going to be? Any ideas for maternity costumes/ones that feature a belly? If you have older kids, what do they want to be? My daughter is going to be a dinosaur because she doesn't care and I got a super cute costume from a friend. I think I'm going to be some sort of witch and put a giant spider curled around my belly.
  • @cioccolata16 I'm glad you're feeling great! maybe there's still hope for me in a couple weeks :D

    @farm_mama I'm sorry you're still feeling pretty crummy, but I'm glad your kids are being amazing about it.

    @cmill828 I love your costume idea! I would love to see a picture when you get it put together.
  • EDD / Weeks + Days: 3/25, 15+1
    Baby is the size of a (an): eggo
    Team blue/pink/green: green 
    Upcoming Appointments: Friday! 
    How are you feeling?: getting a bit of energy back, I think, but still not great. 

    Rants/Raves: my oldest turned 5 this weekend and his party was so much fun! I’m exhausted and need a weekend to recover from the weekend, but he had a blast! 

    GTKY: Halloween costumes - what are you going to be? Any ideas for maternity costumes/ones that feature a belly? If you have older kids, what do they want to be? 
    Not sure what I’ll be, yet, but apparently we’re going classic this year. My oldest wants to be a ghost and my 2 year old is going as a pumpkin. 
  • EDD / Weeks + Days: March 7th, 17+5


    Baby is the size of a (an): thumb is the size of a match tip lol

    Team blue/pink/green: 💚

    Upcoming Appointments: Anatomy scan on the 9th

    How are you feeling?: EXHAUSTED like most people it sounds like. But just chugging along!

    Rants/Raves: Rave for beautiful Fall weather, MLB postseason games, Halloween decorating, and getting to chaperone by Kindergartener’s first field trip to the pumpkin patch on Thirsday ❤️


    GTKY: Halloween costumes - what are you going to be? Any ideas for maternity costumes/ones that feature a belly? If you have older kids, what do they want to be? Will probably have to be something gory as the 5yo picks everyone’s costumes. He is allowing my daughter to be a butterfly though. He is dressing up as Michael Myers and we already have the costume haha. 
  • @dinomeetsjedi I only stopped taking mid-day naps about a week and a half ago (around 20 weeks), so fingers crossed you'll get your boost! Also, I was just told at my appointment that biweekly appointments will start at 32 weeks and then weekly from 36.
  • EDD / Weeks + Days: 14wks + 3 days

    FTM/STM/TTM+: ftm 

    Baby is the size of a (an): cup cake according to Ava Women 

    Team blue/pink/green: blue

    Upcoming Appointments: I’m seeing my OB for the first time on the 19th!

    How are you feeling? Better than yesterday, I couldn’t keep any food down yesterday 😭

    Rants/Raves: My lower back is killing me lately. Probably due to the extra weight now, and I also was out of town getting extra credits and sleeping on a hotel bed sucks!

    Questions: None at the moment

    GTKY: Halloween costumes - what are you going to be? Any ideas for maternity costumes/ones that feature a belly? If you have older kids, what do they want to be?

    Probably nothing. I have to work that evening, but I don’t anticipate it will be busy 

  • EDD / Weeks + Days: March 7th / 18 wks 


    Baby is size of: artichoke

    Team: PINK!

    Upcoming appointments: Oct 20 anatomy scan

    How are you feeling: not terrible! Very congested, have been since like week 8, ugh. Waiting for these 2nd trimester bursts of energy that I've heard so much about, lol. But thankful nausea is gone. Starting to show a bit so that's kinda neat. I'm a little confused what to expect to feel when Baby girl starts moving around. I've always been gassy with a rumbly tummy so I'm always feeling weird movements in the belly area and worried I won't be able to tell when it's actually her 🤨🧐 

    Raves: loving the fall and weather change! I'm all about pumpkin spice everything, lol. And scenic drives to see the fall colors! Bring on the fires, crisp air, chunky sweaters, and cozy nights, I'm ready!! 

    Questions: if anyone has tips on how I can tell the difference between gas bubbles and my little one moving around? 😁

    GTKY: don't usually dress up for Halloween, but always enjoy and look forward to handing out candy to our neighborhood kiddos! 
  • @aby1228 also a ftm and was struggling to tell what movements were baby until about mid-week 18. They felt like gas bubbles that weren't quite right. But maybe a week later it became much clearer what were her little punches in my gut. You'll know. It was like one night I was sitting on the couch when my "gas bubble" careened into the front of my uterus, and suddenly it was happening all the time. She's particularly active after a glass of orange juice, so you could try that and see if you feel anything different.
  • @aby1228 FTM also and having the same thoughts at 19wks! Sometimes if I lay on my belly for a few minutes to stretch my back, I can feel where he is, and so far I've felt definitive kicks twice now.

    Everything I read says it's normal to feel them sometime btw 16-24 weeks which is sooo frustrating, what a range!

    My mom told me the baby would feel like this: *roll your fist lightly across your forearm*, and that was pretty accurate for the 2 times I've felt him so far. 

    I hope this helps, and I hope you feel her for sure soon!!
  • EDD / Weeks + Days: 3/9 17w6d


    Baby is the size of a (an): a pomegranate 

    Team blue/pink/green: pink

    Upcoming Appointments: not until November for the anatomy scan 11/3

    How are you feeling?: tired



    GTKY: Halloween costumes - what are you going to be? Any ideas for maternity costumes/ones that feature a belly? If you have older kids, what do they want to be? I usually don’t dress up. My kids are going to be pikachu (7yo) and catboy (4yo). 

    @aby1228 my friend described it as popcorn popping inside your belly😂 idk why but that’s when the movements with my first finally clicked for me. 
  • @aby1228 To me the best description is a fish flipping around in your belly 🤷🏻‍♀️
    Me: 33 DH: 32
    Started Dating: 2003 Married: 2013
    Started TTC August 2016
    BFP: 2/1/17 MC: 2/8/17
    BFP: 3/8/17 MMC: 5/1/17
    BFP: 7/23/17 EDD: 4/5/18
    BFP: 2/27/20

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