May 2024 Moms

Weekly Randoms w/o 9/25

What's on your mind this week?

Re: Weekly Randoms w/o 9/25

  • I wasn't around for the last week on the board because we were on vacation and I thought that I'd miss a lot, but I came back and the board is still pretty quiet! This is wild.
  • @Chickaboom88 I hope you have a fun vacation!! & yes it’s been so quiet!! Everyone in may should know by now I think? Maybe people are waiting until their first appts to feel more comfortable participating? 
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  • It’s crazy though we have 1.4k views on our intro thread! 
  • @virtaur yeah, that makes sense about waiting until first appointment. It is still pretty shocking to me though! 
  • virtaurvirtaur member
    edited September 2023
    I just sneezed like 15 times in a row (I have a cold so I’ve been sneezing all day) I hate how everything is connected. My pelvic floor 😭😭😭😭
  • Just got our sneak peek results. It's a boy! I'm super excited. Would've been happy either way but I think having two boys will be a blast! I took it in my private office where no men ever go so hopefully it wasn't still somehow contaminated 😂
  • bserena said:
    Just got our sneak peek results. It's a boy! I'm super excited. Would've been happy either way but I think having two boys will be a blast! I took it in my private office where no men ever go so hopefully it wasn't still somehow contaminated 😂
    Ahhh congrats!! So excited for you, did you do the snap??? Mine comes on Monday!! 
  • SAHMs- Does anyone do any homeschool curriculum for preschool? I’m thinking of purchasing the busy toddler one. I need help with activities and such since my ADHD makes it hard to come up with things on my own (if I don’t make a plan). Just looking at options and was curious if anyone has done something like that before? Looks like I might be staying home with our son and my husband will go to work 
  • @virtaur right now I just do crafts with my preschool aged child; we usually color a coloring page, then cut the shapes out and glue them to construction paper. Then we read books that we’ve picked out from the library. But if you don’t mind a religious based program, I hear people really like the good and the beautiful preschool curriculum. 
  • @virtaur yes I did the snap!! It really was painless for me lol. I was nervous but it was a breeze! The only thing I'd recommend is taking all the pieces out first and making sure you know what is what and when to use it. I was rushing and totally forgot to use the alcohol wipe before lol but I washed my arm and hands like 10 times so I'm sure it's fine.
  • @virtaur right now I just do crafts with my preschool aged child; we usually color a coloring page, then cut the shapes out and glue them to construction paper. Then we read books that we’ve picked out from the library. But if you don’t mind a religious based program, I hear people really like the good and the beautiful preschool curriculum. 
    Thank you for sharing! 
  • @bserena awesome!! I watched the lil video on it so I think that’s what I’ll do! I’m glad it was painless for you, I’m just trying to figure out when/where I’ll do it haha 
  • @virtaur  I homeschool my kiddos and right now I just have my 4yo doing simplified versions of his 6yo sister’s work. Lots of motor skills, tracing boards, crafts, coloring, and picking up books at the library about whatever he likes. But I do understand the need for some structure. I follow StephanieHathawayDesigns on Etsy and she makes these adorable unit studies you can build a little unit around for some structure. I love those. 
    Another good option might be Khan Academy. 
  • I took my sneak peek but for some reason some of my blood hung around the seal and didn’t go into the tube. So I’m short with my collection, hopefully they can still get a sample from it so I don’t have to wait longer 🤞🏻
  • I’m glad I’m not the only one that feels the board is really quiet.   @virtaur hope they can use it and you get the results back fast. I’m actually really excited to be team green this time. I had to know with my other 4 but right now I kind of want to be surprised. That might change though by 20 weeks haha 
    April Siggy Challenge Social Distancing

  • @stillcozy I always thought I’d want to be team green but quickly found out I have no chill lol & that will be fun for sure!!
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