January 2024 Moms

Weekly Check-in 9/18-9/24

Oops! I missed last week. How is everyone? 

EDD / Weeks + Days: 


Baby is the size of a (an): 

Team blue/pink/green:

Upcoming Appointments: 

How are you feeling?: 



Re: Weekly Check-in 9/18-9/24

  • Hello!

    EDD / Weeks + Days: Jan 2/ 25 weeks

    FTM/STM/TTM+: first time mom!

    Baby is the size of a (an): cauliflower 😱

    Team blue/pink/green: blue

    Upcoming Appointments: October 10- after that I’m moving to every two weeks. I did my glucose test last week. 

    How are you feeling?: Very bloated, super gassy and I have tons of heartburn. 

    Rants/Raves: Oh man the glucose test. It was soooooo sugary! I’m guessing I’m safe because I haven’t gotten a call about it though, so yay!
    I finally bought maternity pants yesterday. We don’t have a store or really any stores that have sections here for some reason?! I got mine from FB Marketplace. I don’t understand how there’s a million weed stores in town but no where to buy maternity stuff.

    Questions: Is anyone feeling direct kicks from the outside yet? He’s in the back so I have to wait longer- I just have the flutters still. 
  • @kvothe2024 I've felt kicks for a few weeks now- but my husband was just able to feel them last week! 
    Not looking forward to the glucose test, haha- I'm taking it next week. 

    EDD / Weeks + Days: Jan 11th, 23 and 5 

    FTM/STM/TTM+: First timer over here

    Baby is the size of a (an): Grapefruit 

    Team blue/pink/green: Pink! 

    Upcoming Appointments: Next OB appointment is next Wednesday- I'll be taking the glucose test. 

    How are you feeling?: Pretty good overall, starting to feel big enough that I'm feeling some discomfort bending over to tie my shoes, pick things up, etc. Also finding myself out of breath a lot easier! 

    Rants/Raves: Rant- I bought all these baby books and have had no drive to read them, and very little focus when I do finally pick one up! :( Thank goodness the app has daily articles, at least they're bite sized enough that I can get through those.  

    Questions: Does anyone have a body pillow recommendation? 
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  • moehands2022moehands2022 member
    edited September 2023
    EDD / Weeks + Days: January 29th, 2024 / 21 + 5

    FTM/STM/TTM+: First! 

    Baby is the size of a (an): Bok Choy

    Team blue/pink/green: Blue!

    Upcoming Appointments: Today; Second Anatomy Ultrasound cause little man didnt want to sit still for some important pictures of his heart, and then nothing until October

    How are you feeling?: great! I work with an  awesome team of guys (I'm one of two girls in a manufacturing company) and most of them are dads so they basically won't let me over do anything, besides the fact that we were on hard concrete floors which is killing my lower back and hips but my weekly chiropractor appointments are helping! 

    Rants/Raves: I'm an emotional roller coaster, I literally cried yesterday because of dishes (and my fridge breaking down and having to throw out all my groceries and eat shitty take out because of not having a working on). 

    Loving my maternity clothes, my pregnancy pillow and just getting used to being alsspe by 9 and up by 5. 

    Questions: is anyone else planning there baby shower? 

    @kvothe2024 I have an anterior placenta so I'm all internal feelings for over a month now and he's a mover! I'm so impatient about my husband feeling him. But I can feel him getting stronger and when he kicks in spots away from the placenta (more towards my belly button) I keep a close eye. 
    See if your obgyn can tell you where your placenta is exactly so that spaces they kick outside of that are your go to spots for you to watch for!
  • @rae The glucose test isn’t actually that terrible, it’s just SO sweet! And then you sit there and wait for an hour, very glad I brought a book!

    @moe I'm hoping by the next time I see my OB we will be able to both be able to feel little man moving around, he’s pretty active!

    We are helping with the baby shower but our moms are kind of organizing it. When are you all having your showers? This is probably a good ´discussion’ topic haha. 
  • @moe We're kind of doing the same thing as @kvo- my Mom and MIL are working on it but they live out of state, so I'm doing some ground work here. We'll be having it a month out from my due date, so like beginning of Dec.
  • moehands2022moehands2022 member
    edited September 2023
    My sisters both live quite a ways a way, and my mom isn't one to do things like this. So my two best friends (who happen to be my cousins) are planning and hosting it. We are having mine at the end of October because we have alot of family (my mom has 5 sisters) driving in and the weather in Northern Canada can be tricky starting in November, haha. I'm the last neice (of 25 total cousins) to be starting a family so they all want to make it for this one. 

    My MIL is very against buying anything for the baby before it is born. So when we go to see my husband's side of the family (2 hour flight from us) around Easter she is going to host a party then. 
  • EDD / Weeks + Days: Jan 5 / 25 weeks

    FTM/STM/TTM+: first time mom!

    Baby is the size of a: cauliflower

    Team blue/pink/green: pink!

    Upcoming Appointments: October 6! Glucose test is today, can’t wait 😂

    How are you feeling?: incredible! Energetic, hungry, and happy!

    Rants/Raves: groin pain, yikes! But I’ll take it any day over 1 tri’s nausea and vomiting

    Questions: I love feeling baby P move and kick, but who else is so frustrated when baby quits the second you call your partner over?? I told my husband we need a code word haha!
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