Hello can anyone tell me if this is normal. Day two. I’m so worried and I’ve been so upset because I don’t know if it’s something bad. I had sore breasts two days ago and not the past two days. Is that a bad sign. Please let me know if normal
I know some women can have a little brown spotting and be fine. I haven’t had any spotting (currently 5 weeks), but there are some days I don’t have as many symptoms and then they come back again. You may get your hcg checked, and then rechecked 48 hours later to make sure it’s rising to put your mind at ease since it’s too early to see anything in ultrasound
That’s not really valid as there is so much variation between brands of tests, as well as how diluted your urine is. I would try to schedule an appt and they can put in lab orders for you and you can repeat test in 48 hours
Thank you. It’s helpful to talk to someone. I worry so much about miscarriage. Do you think one would be able to tell at this stage? I’m just worried the symptoms came and left
Of course! Talking through it can be so helpful emotionally. My symptoms with all of my pregnancies have also come and gone at different points. From what I have read many women experience spotting. Try to relax and stay positive ❤️. (I know it’s way easier said then done)
Re: 4 weeks, 2 days brown blood and spotting? Is this normal? Please help