1st Trimester

Reassure me please! No visible embryo 6 weeks 4 days, only measuring 5 weeks 6 days.

Hey I am just coming on here for some reassurance/someone to chat to as I’m feeling really disheartened and upset.
So for context this pregnancy was unplanned, came as quite a shock but me and my partner are really happy and excited. I did a clearblue test on august 2nd, it said i was 2-3 weeks. I booked an early scan for today which would be 6 weeks 4 days, not based on LMP because I’m very irregular. The scan went horribly, they cant find an embryo and I’m measuring at 5 weeks 6 days. There is a visible yolk sac and gestational sac. They told me that I’ve either gotten my dates wrong or the pregnancy has stopped developing. My dates can’t be wrong, if i was only 5 weeks and 6 days it means i would’ve had a positive clearblue 2-3 weeks test at 10DPO, which seems impossible, unless i have crazy high HCG levels. They’ve told me to come back in 2 weeks, but I’ve got my booking appointment on Tuesday so im going to see if i can get a scan with the NHS. Is there any way that the pregnancy is developing okay and it’s just a little slow? Or should i start preparing for the worst? I haven’t had any bleeding or any cramps, just some nausea, sore boobs, a uti, all the common symptoms really.
sorry for the waffling, I’m just really concerned and i need some reassurance.
thank you x

Re: Reassure me please! No visible embryo 6 weeks 4 days, only measuring 5 weeks 6 days.

  • Unless you were temping and/or using OPKs, you do not know when you ovulated.  Those "week estimators" are not always accurate.  

    Just go to the booking appointment and and let them work with you.  Also, if you have an UTI, make sure you stay on the meds, unless told otherwise by your doctor.
  • Honestly, it just sounds to me like your dates are wrong and that you’re truly only at 5-ish weeks. My husband and I were tracking everything (I had to go on Letrozole) and knew EXACTLY when I ovulated, but my doctor’s office made me go by LMP. I showed up with them thinking I was 7 weeks, but only measured about 5.5 weeks (which is where I knew I’d be) and saw gestational/yolk sacs. They had me come back 11 days later and the embryo was there - I’m now at 24 weeks. Hopefully it’s all just weird timing for you; keep us posted on your appointment.
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  • "My dates can’t be wrong"... The only way your dates can't be wrong is if you did IVF. Irregular periods, plus a week estimate from an OTC test says to me the most likely explanation is your dates are wrong. I wouldn't worry at this point at all.
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