Trying to Get Pregnant

Fertility - New here!

This journey has been so stressful in getting pregnant, I never expected it to be so hard. I have 2 kids and they were easy to conceive, in fact I conceived my youngest son on birth control (iud). I just want to understand how come this time is difficult, it doesn't make sense. I got checked for everything and my DH as well, no problems at all, everything including hormones are perfect.

On this cycle I was on femera 5mg, got 2 mature follicles (measuring 28mm and 21mm) and around 6-7 small ones. I ovulated Monday and had the worst pain ever imagined and turns out I ovulated both! I was supposed to do a trigger shot but my blood work suggested I was ovulating the same day as the US so we didn't do the shot. The pain was horrific, couldn't walk, felt constipated bloated nauseous everything. 

Now I'm in the dreadful TWW and bad anticipation on if I fertilized both or one or nothing. My FS also gave me 14 days worth of progesterone supplements as I have a history of preterm labour. 

Thank you for reading my long message. Would love your advice!
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