Hi! Who all is writing a birth plan? I hear so many people talk about birth plans, but I’m a first time mom and don’t even really know what my birth preferences are. I just want my baby delivered safely.

I would love to hear about your plan if you are creating one! What are your reasons for having one (or not having one)?
Re: Birth Plans
Do you research, educate yourself on different procedures, practices and options. Know it is possible that things will not go as planned however also be aware of your rights.
With my first I was pressured into many things that I really wasn’t ok with simply because I didn’t know that I could refuse things. I questioned them but I was never given the option to refuse and was too naïve to know that I could.
Hind sight, I could have avoided most of the procedures I had done if I had known my rights and stood up for them.
We will likely write one out and make sure we label things as requirements or preferences. (Requirements being no one in the room other than required personnel and us-no other family or medical students, unless of medical emergency-baby stays with us the whole time, no medication unless emergency and communicate with us about that) etc. also @kiltedrae thank you for the suggestion about a “baby plan” that’s not something I would have considered