1st Trimester

HCG levels- is this normal?

This is my second pregnancy. My first ended in a miscarriage a few days after seeing the heartbeat at 7w 3d. I never got any levels checked during that pregnancy. This time, I got my levels checked & these are the results. I’m concerned it’s either ectopic or not viable, but my ultrasound isn’t until the end of the week. Looking for reassurance that someone else has had lower numbers & had success.
4w- 14
4w3d dpo-27

I am also taking 600 mgs of progesterone and fear that I’m delaying the inevitable :/

Re: HCG levels- is this normal?

  • Your HCG levels should be doubling every 48 hours.  That's the most important thing.  These look like they are doubling, showing a PG that is progressing as it should.  Anything can happen, but according to those numbers, you appear to be on track for now.
    *TW All the Loss* #BitterHagPartyOf1

    October 2015 - 1st MC.  7-8 weeks along. Suspected molar PG, but luckily just a MMC.

    June 2016 - 2nd MC: 4-5 weeks CP

    September 2016 - 3rd MC: 4-5 weeks CP

    RE 1: ALL the testing - 'unexplained'  "Yinz can do IVF or try on your own"

    Feb 2017 - 4th MC: 6 weeks

    RE 2: More tests. Still 'unexplained.'  Called fat for an entire hour-long appointment, cried a lot

    Feb 2019 - 5th MC: 6-7 weeks

    IUD - March 2019-March 2023

    RE 3:  Repeat all the tests. Hoping to try IVF.

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