My husband and I feel so alone on this. Today I am 39+6 with my 3rd- way back at 37 weeks the doc said I would not make it through the rest of the week. I was 3 cm dilated, 60% effaced, and very soft. Since my 2nd child happened like this and came 5 days early and very suddenly (literally a 40 minute no-warning birth), this made us feel poised on the starting blocks of a very important race.
But a whole 2 weeks later, last Monday, I got checked again and was… 3-4 cm dilated and still 60% effaced! I’m having tons of BH, loose stool, and feel so heavy down there, but obviously nothing is happening. Has anyone else had anything like this experience? Did anyone’s experience NOT end in giving birth at home or in the car? We feel a little bit crazy at this point :(
Re: Anyone Else been dilated & effaced for weeks?