2nd Trimester


I’m kinda freaking out. I woke up around 2:15 with chills and just cold, at first didn’t feel hot but then around 2:30 felt like I was getting a fever. We couldn’t find the thermometer so my hubby went to buy one and I finally bit the bullet and took two tylenol regular strength. Ten minutes later he arrived and I was 99.6. I’m just hoping my fever had not been higher before. I feel like it could not have been that high if it came down to 99.6 ten minutes later, right? Thanks. 

Re: Fever?

  • I wouldn’t think it would have been much higher 10 minutes prior—usually it takes about 20 minutes to start having an effect. More than likely baby is fine—our bodies are pretty tough! But I know how you feel, I had a fever spike early in my second trimester and had the same fears. Try not to worry! I think they only get really concerned if you have a prolonged high fever. But you can definitely ask your doctor, to be sure.
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