Hi I’m 39+5 just wondering what your early signs of labour were or if you had any symptoms in the days leading up to it?
My ankle and feet swelling has pretty much disappeared, cramping for the past week and bad reflux. Hoping I’ll meet my baby soon!
Re: Pre-labour signs
This is my third, and we’ve spoken at length with doctors about pre-labor signs, since my 2nd came SO fast (40 minutes, seriously!), but they all agree that every birth is super different, and doesn’t follow a predictable pattern. Not fun to hear I know, but I think it’s the truth. Like I didn’t even really experience any early labor with my 2nd, and they said even as uncommon as that is, it’s not surprising because each birth varies so widely. It is fun to watch YouTube videos, etc on labor signs and hope that it’s coming though. Good luck :)