Went in for appt at 29 weeks. Dr gave me RX for 35 week ultrasound to confirm baby is growing as she should be (is that normal?) and didn’t seem concerned. However I noticed she included an ICD10 code of O26.84, which says it means uterine size-date discrepancy…has anyone heard of this? Wondering if she just did it so my insurance would pay for it? She didn’t mention any concern about my uterine size verbally…confused!
Re: Uterine size-date discrepancy?
Doctors do a lit of stuff that sounds scary, but when said in plain English it's not scary. Yes, some doctors may do a scan around 30ish weeks. Though ultrasounds may be off by +/- 2 pounds or measurements may be off. As I learned with my little one 2mm makes a huge difference - that was a scary situation- long story but all turned out well.