3rd Trimester

Membrane sweep at 38 wks?

My doctor suggested getting a membrane sweep at 38wks. I wasn’t super interested. But my mom/childcare is only in town for a limited time, so the idea of going into labor is very appealing 😆 and I’m extremely uncomfortable 

I would LOVE to hear y’all experience with membrane sweeps

Re: Membrane sweep at 38 wks?

  • Everyone I know said they will never do it again. It did not work and not worth the uncomfortable procedure.  Labor will come when baby is ready. 2 weeks there still is a lot of development going on during those two weeks. 
  • I did it this time around and don't recommend. It was not uncomfortable IMO, but after was. Intense false labor for 2 days leading up to my induction. This was the 1st baby I could not coax out. 
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  • Doctors are stupid!!!! Ugh. 
    Don’t do that kind of stuff. Let the baby come when it’s ready. Every hospital intervention just leads to more and more problems until they “save” your baby with a c-section. 
    If I was birthing in a hospital —-which I will never do again—- I would avoid all cervical checks, interventions like inductions, predictions of baby being “too big,” etc. I would absolutely sneak food in my hospital bag so baby and I don’t have low bloodsugar. I would refuse all Group step B antibiotics. I would tell them to stay the F away from me and that I will give birth in the position that suits me (aka, not on my back). I would have my hubby rub my back during contractions and remember that transition may ramp up contractions temporarily but that baby is right around the corner!—a few contractions away! I would focus on staying relaxed and releasing tension. Keeping hands and jaw loose and relaxed. I would choose positions that help open the inlet or outlet of the pelvic window as baby descends (YouTube helping baby engage). I would remember to pee before contractions get too intense. 
    I would make sure I have someone else in the room to advocate for me if my labor “stalls” or goes over the amount of time they have on their stupid watches. Labor and birth should be respected; not freaking timed. 

  • I am first time mum with 37 week and diagnosed with diabetes at 35 week which is late so my midwife suggesting to induce at 39 week, But doctor is asking to do Membrane sweep at 38 week before they try to induce. I'm thinking to ask my midwife to do it late at 39 week as I'm confused and they are also not giving me specific date to induce. Any suggestion? 
  • I did last time and my boy came a week later. I’ll be doing it again this time around. 
  • I got a membrane sweep with my first after I tried getting induced on a Friday, pitocin and all and it didn’t work so I got sent home. That next Monday, I got the sweep and went home and my water broke. It was a small leak I thought was pee but I went in and they immediately knew it was my waters so I had my 9lb 1.2oz baby the next morning. Healthy and huge. I’m glad I got it bc I was already at 40 weeks 3 days and he was obviously huge. I’m only 5’2..
  • FTM. Got my membrane swept at 40 weeks + 4days. Was already 3cm dilated and 80% effaced. Had light cramping the day it was done, next day went to work and started timing contractions. By the time I got home from work contractions were 6 minutes apart. Labored at home through the night. Went to hospital at 6am and had baby in my arms 12 hours later. From what I understand, sometimes it works and sometimes it doesn’t. Personally, 38 weeks seems early, I only had mine done as I was past my due date and ready to get things moving. 
  • I'm planning on refusing it until I'm over 40 weeks. As far as I've heard, it makes the most sense to do around that time when you may already be slightly dialated/effaced so it's not as painful and could actually be effective. 🤷‍♀️I would prefer a membrane sweep to pitocin for sure. 
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