
Symptoms post ovidrel


I have been TTC for 3 years. This is my first time trying Femara and Ovidrel together. I had taken Femara x5 days then did Ovidrel shot on 6/12. We did timed intercourse on Wednesday 6/14 as I had a 15mm follicule on my left then a 20mm follicle on my right. I wasn’t having much symptoms if anything other than I’m an emotioal roller coaster a little nausea that would subside rather quickly in the morning. But today 1 week after timed intercourse, I’m starting to feel cramps like I’m going to start my peiod and pelvic pressure. Is this normal? I have reached out to my fertility specialist but it’s now after hours. I’m just worried I’m going to get a period and a BFN. Has anyone experienced this? If so, what we’re the results ultimately at the end of the cycle?


Re: Symptoms post ovidrel

  • The cramps and pelvic pressure you're experiencing could be due to various factors, including the medications you're taking and potential early pregnancy symptoms. It's best to wait for the advised time to take a pregnancy test and consult your fertility specialist for guidance. Many factors can contribute to these symptoms, and only a test can provide conclusive results.
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