1st Trimester

First Pregnancy and Troubles

Hi ladies, I just need some positivity here.
I just found out I was pregnant yesterday 06/11 and same day I started having some spotting which then moved into bleeding.
I was 10 days late, my husband and I weren’t planning this pregnancy but we were ecstatic to find out about it.
I ended up going to the ER, and they calculated I was about 6 weeks and my HCG was only 80. My pregnancy test not even 20 hours prior was two strong pink lines.
They ran ultrasounds and bloodwork, my doctor diagnosed as threatened miscarriage as they don’t have enough data to conclude it was an actual miscarriage.
The symptoms I have is bleeding like a period with clots, very light cramps and some back pain. I’m very anxious that I’m having a miscarriage but I wanted to hear if anyone had any similar situations with a different outcome.
It’s been a crazy and emotional 24 hours. Thank you in advance.

Re: First Pregnancy and Troubles

  • ER is the worst place to get checked for pregnancy.  They always diagnose as "missed miscarriage" as they are not trained. 

    There are many issues that can result in bleeding.

    Your cervix is very sensitive any penetration can lead to bleeding. Sex can cause bleeding, a transvaginal ultrasound even heave exercise.  

    You could have a subchronic hematoma. 

    I know a lady who had a period like cylce throughout her entire pregnancy and had a perfectly healthy baby.

    Or worst case scenario you could be having a MC.
    .please get in contact with your ob/gyn for a follow up. 
  • Hello, thank you for responding. Unfortunately I never had a chance to get an OBGYN because I found out I was pregnant and also started bleeding in the same day. I can’t even get an appt with an OBGYN without a referral, so unfortunately the ER was my only option.

    Is it possible to see SCH on ultrasound?
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  • Look for OBGYN’s that are located outside of hospitals. Do you live in a small town? Most cities have many places that have OBGYNS that are located in women care centers and doctor offices outside of the hospital chains. I know my doctor wanted to wait until I was 8 weeks to do an ultrasound but I have a friend who was able to go in earlier due to complications-she went for an US at the end of her 6 weeks
    With whatever happens, I hope everything works out for you and your husband!
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