I have kind of an unplanned pregnancy. When I found out I was pregnant I was honestly scared out of my mind. I felt stupid and uneducated because I thought I was on my period. It wasn't til the end of my period that I noticed by boobs were hurting pretty bad and I was like, that's weird. Being the paranoid person that I am I took a pregnancy test. Wouldn't ya know, I was about 5 weeks pregnant. I PANICKED, and I still haven't been able to relax and here's why..
I am a VERY anxious person. I am pretty good at containing my anxiety and am able to continue my stressful job. However, I developed some habits with alcohol through this stressful time in my life... My husband and I weren't as careful one night and I knew that I should probably take a pregnancy test in the upcoming weeks and make sure I didn't miss my period. Well that's exactly what I did. It was the holidays and my family enjoys getting together and making drinks. I took a pregnancy test before Christmas, and then a couple more between Christmas and New years Eve. All negative. Some might think this is excessive.. but I enjoyed going out with friends and drinking, and thought I was being "responsible" by making sure I wasn't pregnant.
So, on Friday January 13th, yes I know a lovely date... I found out the news and my doctor told me to come in ASAP because it was weird that I had a period or what I thought was a period and had a positive pregnancy test. They told me that it could be implantation bleeding and to not worry about the drinking since it was early and I have stopped. I went in for frequent checkups to make sure baby was okay in the early weeks since I had bleeding and everything was fine. I stopped worrying about the fact that I had consumed alcohol and starting focusing on the fact that I was actually pregnant and my whole world was going to change.
Fast forward I am 25 weeks now. Baby boy appears to be healthy. I have had some more down time recently and I feel like I am losing my shit. Scary thoughts are back and I am literally distraught every day and in tears, because I can't stop thinking that I could have messed up my baby by drinking when I didn't know I was pregnant. Especially since I can't remember how much I drank because it's been so long ago now....I feel like nothing can help me right now. Yes, people say not to worry, it's in the past. But how can I not? I literally won't even take Tylenol during my pregnancy because I am so paranoid😔. Just the thought that I drank and didn't realize I was pregnant makes me SICK. I have been doing countless hours of reading/research on the affects of alcohol on the fetus and the only thing I can come to a conclusion on is.. no one really knows if it will hurt the baby in early pregnancy or not. I am having a hard time mentally now because it's a worry that will never go away.. ya know? I'll always worry that I messed my kid up whether he is in the womb or trying to function in the world. It just has been a stressful start to my pregnancy and I feel disgusted with myself.
Re: Anyone else?
In all seriousness, you cannot change what is in the past. As long as you are taking care of yourself now, all should be fine.