okay so i’m in preterm labor and i’m 30 weeks and 4 days pregnant. i’ve been to the hospital recently and stayed a few days for steroids and fluids to help speed up the development process incase he were to come early. my cervix has shorten to 2.1cm, dilated to 1 cm/50 percent effaced/ and baby in station -2 as of 11 days ago when i had an ultrasound with high risk at the hospital. my anmiotic fluid was 11cm. today when i went to my regular obgyn i had a scan done and measured my amniotic fluid, the way i was laying it was measuring 2cm which is considered in the danger levels and she had my eventually turn to my side which brought my fluids up to around 7cm of fluid. that is still 4cm less than when i was in the hospital but my obgyn wasn’t in office when i was seen and she said she would talk to him about it and if i noticed i’m leaking fluid or felt worse to get seen asap. i’m mostly concerned if i’m leaking fluid but i also had been seen 3-4 days ago thinking i was leaking fluid and the amniostrip came back negative. i can’t call my ob as of rn due to them being after hours but i was wondering if anyone else would be concerned or have any advice/opinions on what to do.