1st Trimester

Unhappy and lacking excitement

I found out I was pregnant nearly two months ago. Being quite young, this was a shock, and took a while to process and consider all my options. My family and friends were not the most supportive about continuing with the pregnancy throughout this time. Since deciding to continue with the pregnancy, I have been extremely ill, which between the two issues here have taken any sort of excitement and happiness away from the situation. I am struggling with the fact I am still feeling this way and wondering if anyone has experienced this?? Thank you in advance !!

Re: Unhappy and lacking excitement

  • I am sooo sorry you are you going through this!! You made the brave and strong decision to continue giving this baby a life. You should be very proud! I am having a hard time feeling excited at this time. This is my first pregnancy but I feel like this is hormones right now. I am sleep deprived and want to cry every day. I know it will get better! You are not alone!
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