*If you are having a hard day re TTC or TTCAL, please note that this thread will discuss living children and/or issues specifically dealing with parenting and/or babies. Previous pregnancy experiences may also be mentioned. Please lurk at your own discretion.**
What number are you trying for?
Ages of other child(ren)?
Any thoughts about this cycle?
Any questions?
GTKY: Do your SO and kids have any Mother’s Day traditions they do for you?
Re: TFAS w/o May 8
Month/Cycle? 6/6
Ages of other child(ren)? 4 and 5
Any thoughts about this cycle? Only on CD 3, so none yet
Any questions? Nope
Rant/Rave? I took my 5 year old to an acupuncturist yesterday to help his sleeping (he didn’t want needles so they actually did acupressure and cupping). I know it takes a while to get results from TCM but I was still hoping he’d sleep better last night and he didn’t. Oh well. We also have herbs so we’ll see if that starts helping before his next appointment.
GTKY: Do your SO and kids have any Mother’s Day traditions they do for you?
No traditions, but I do already know what present they are getting me because when H ordered it, he used my email so I got the confirmation email. I’ll have to just act surprised when the kids give it to me lol
Month/Cycle? 10/7
Ages of other child(ren)? 6 and 2
Any thoughts about this cycle? We will see- my husband is living four hours away so our timing was… what it could be. -1-2… so not totally out (it’s possible!) but not ideal
Any questions? Anyone moved with little kids? We are starting the process and it’s daunting
Rant/Rave? All conditions have been met for our house we put an offer in on! So we are just waiting on the bank- aiming for a closing date at the end of the month!
Picture of our new home in the comments- built in 1780!
GTKY: Do your SO and kids have any Mother’s Day traditions they do for you? We always went to brunch with my mom when I was a kid. I can honestly say I have literally zero interest in going out to eat with small children soooo…. The tradition is I sleep in. 😂
Month/Cycle? 5/3?
Ages of other child(ren)? 4, almost 2!
Any thoughts about this cycle? Nervous. Hopeful. The usual.
Any questions? My oldest is asking if I can grow a tiny egg so we can have a 3rd kid. Yikes. Any recs on birds and bees books for littles?
Rant/Rave? We were all sick last week. I’m still playing catch-up and I’m tired.
GTKY: Do your SO and kids have any Mother’s Day traditions they do for you? Besides breakfast, no traditions yet. It’s been fun every year, though, so we’ll see!
@halfanewt Well technically they are right about the egg lol. No book suggestions, sorry
@halfanewt it’s not a book but @birds__bees on Instagram is great. They call it a drip-drip-drip method but it’s a way of explaining the idea to different ages with age-appropriate terms (& anatomy is just called what it is).
What number are you trying for? 3
Month/Cycle? 2/2, 1AL, about to be benched until TSH is optimal.
WTO/TWW? TWW, 12dpo and spotting started
Ages of other child(ren)? About to be 3, and 5
Any thoughts about this cycle? I’m (mostly) at peace with things. Just WFAF.
Any questions?
GTKY: Do your SO and kids have any Mother’s Day traditions they do for you? This is so bad but I truly can’t remember. I just want a nap in the afternoon and then in bed early for the night.
ntnp #2 . summer 2018
*siggy warning*
ttc#1 . jul 2015
mmc . mar 2016 | 6w2d
dx PCOS (non-IR) / subclinical hypothyroidism . summer 2016
tx metformin, levothyroxine, LP progesterone, femara + trigger + ti . fall/winter 2016
BFP! . jan 2017
DD . oct 2017
@halfanewt the “a book about” series is awesome for those tough conversations.