1st Trimester

1st trimester, strong symptom and now not so much.

My wife is almost 7 weeks pregnant. 5 - 6 week in she had strong symptoms (nausea, fatigue, breast tender, loss of appetite), now her nausea is less strong. Anyone had this experience before and still had a healthy baby? We are just worried, we had two miscarriage in the last 4 years. Been trying to have a baby. Currently we are both 34 years old and eating a healthy Keto Mediterranean diet.

Re: 1st trimester, strong symptom and now not so much.

  • Just in case someone see this, my wife is now 21 weeks pregnant with a healthy baby. Guess no one wants to chime in on this, and that is okay. For anyone out there trying, lift weights, run and eat a strict mediterranean keto diet. This really works. For the female, take a good prenatal, CoQ10, Probiotics, Protein shakes, Selenium, Magnesium, Wild Salmon Oil (high dose) and get into a good sleeping habit (10am in bed). This works!!!!
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