Me: 26 DH: 25
DS1 -- 9/30/2016
Estimated Due Date / Weeks + Days:
Team Boy/Girl/Surprise:
Interesting baby fact / Baby is the size of:
Upcoming appointments:
How are you feeling:
Rants / Raves:
GTKY: What is the most irrational superstition you have?
Re: Weekly Check-In w/o 4/17
Team Boy/Girl/Surprise: Girl
Interesting baby fact / Baby is the size of: an orange / at birth baby's stomach is the size of a cherry
Upcoming appointments: This Thursday OB/MFM
How are you feeling: Pretty good! I'm starting to feel some discomfort in my hips when laying down but nothing like my previous pregnancy at this point.
Rants / Raves: I want to confidently say I can feel the baby move! But I'm just not so sure yet and I can't wait!
Questions: NATM
GTKY: What is the most irrational superstition you have? I knock on wood or on my head not to jinx myself 🤷♀️
Picture of the mural because I'm so proud.
Estimated Due Date / Weeks + Days: Oct 24 / 13 weeks
@linh18 that is beautiful!
@alpacamama2 I have terrible seasonal allergies and the only one my OB said to avoid was Allegra.
Estimated Due Date / Weeks + Days: 10/16; 14+2
Team Boy/Girl/Surprise: Boy
Interesting baby fact / Baby is the size of: Troll doll
Upcoming appointments: 5/8
How are you feeling: the exhaustion has hit me this week as well as heart burn
Rants / Raves: Coworkers commented on my belly so I’m guessing I’ve popped as well also, my standing heart rate has been spiking at like over 110 so I’m keeping an eye on that
GTKY: What is the most irrational superstition you have? Bridges collapsing when I drive over them. I don’t hold my breath but I do have a small floatation device as well as something to break window and cut seatbelts if needed.
DS1 -- 9/30/2016
@alpacamama2 @AmMcc12 I hear you both. I've been obviously pregnant for like 4 weeks now and it just feels so early.
Estimated Due Date / Weeks + Days: October 1 / 16+3
Team Boy/Girl/Surprise: We will find out
Interesting baby fact / Baby is the size of: an avocado
Upcoming appointments: anatomy scan May 8
How are you feeling: Definitely in that second trimester sweet spot now. Trying to not be anxious about feeling very little at this point but it's so hard!
Rants / Raves: We went on strike today. I've never been part of a strike so it's a whole new experience. Today was damp and cold and I feel so stiff. I'm hoping this doesn't last long, I actually like my job so I'd much rather be doing that.
GTKY: What is the most irrational superstition you have? All sports-related. It's the one thing I'm superstitious about.
@sawasap I can't remember if your Canadian. But if so I assume you're a federal goverment worker?
Estimated Due Date / Weeks + Days: Oct 13
Team Boy/Girl/Surprise: Surprise
Interesting baby fact / Baby is the size of: my dog’s favourite toy ball
Upcoming appointments: Family doc on May 5
How are you feeling: Tired, headachy today
Rants / Raves: Lemon Activia Yogurt is very good
Questions: None other than I’m worrying about every little ache and pain.
GTKY: What is the most irrational superstition you have? None right now.
Estimated Due Date / Weeks + Days: Oct 28, 12w5d
Team Boy/Girl/Surprise: just got NIPT, so will find out soon
Interesting baby fact / Baby is the size of: ripe apricot
Upcoming appointments: today was the NT scan, Monday midwife appt, Tuesday physical therapy (pelvic floor specialist check-in, went to pt postpartum and it was super helpful! Thinking some core work might help to prepare?)
How are you feeling: Nausea is possibly starting to subside? But now I'm feeling so out of shape walking up stairs. AND still tired. I might pull out the pillow tonight.
Rants / Raves: I think I'm starting to show a little. I've told a few people at work, but I really don't feel like telling people-- Idk, I don't like the attention of sharing news like that? I work at a high school, so there would be a lot of people to tell and I don't see everyone at the same time, so that's weird too. So, I will probably just do a Facebook announcement to spread the word and let others talk lol. Also, I'm not looking forward to everyone saying "how are you feeling?" And "how are you doing?" In that weird tone that they don't say to everyone else, ya know?
Questions: I'm getting to a point where I have trouble getting up when my toddler wants me to sit on the rug with him... for bedtime, we usually read a book on the rug. We have a rocker, but he's getting kinda big to sit on my lap. So I guess my question is, any suggestions for managing bedtime as it gets a bit harder? I've been sitting on a step stool for bath time-- is that going to get harder?? Should I start preparing MH to help out more with bedtime routines?
GTKY: What is the most irrational superstition you have? Hmm. I'm definitely wary of full moons. Sometimes we check the calendars at work.