1st Trimester

HCG levels dropping at 5,5weeks

Hi fellow community members, I’m 5,5weeks pregnant and 4days ago my levels were 1,3k but today they have dropped to 1.1k. I’m freaking out as I’ve had a miscarriage last Oct so now this could be a 2nd one.

Anyone on the forum with a similar journey and could share some positive news while I anxiously countdown to tomorrow’s Dr visit.


Re: HCG levels dropping at 5,5weeks

  • Unfortunately you won’t find any positive stories about dropping HCG unless it’s some fluke lab error. It should never drop this early (before about ten weeks) and should double every 48ish hours. When it does drop later on the levels would be much higher and never drop to the levels you have right now. I’m so sorry this is happening. I have had two losses and know the gut punch feeling after trying and losing a pregnancy again. 
  • Thanks, it did end up with the bad news.
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  • Thanks, it did end up with the bad news.
    I’m so sorry. The TTCAL board used to be way more active a few years back. There is a thread in the TTGP board if you ever need support here and want to commiserate with those who have also experienced losses. 
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