Babies: 9 - 12 Months

Am I suppose to have 1 year old birthday party?

Hi. What are you doing for the one year old birthday? Am I suppose to throw a party and invite people I know? I don’t know too many moms with one year olds. The once I know are older kids that she has never met before. Also the moms with the one year olds I know does not seem to be throwing any parties as I didn’t get an invite.  Am I going to regret not throwing a party? Is there alternatives to celebrating one year old birthday without a party? Of course I m still going to get him gifts. But do I need to be throwing a party and inviting people and older kids he never met before? Is he going to understand what’s going on? Normally he cries around strangers. Any suggestions where I can take him for the day instead of getting all stressed out planning a party where he is most likely going to be miserable anyways. Thank u for the advice. 

Re: Am I suppose to have 1 year old birthday party?

  • I just did something with family for my son’s 1st and 2nd birthdays. For We did gifts/food/cupcakes and I got him a smash cake (only for his first). It was low key but great. I did get some Mickey Mouse decor off Amazon, some balloons that he was scared of, and I put his photos up for his first birthday. For his second I did a lightyear them but I kept it simple. Only balloons and a banner. Had family over and we grilled and had cupcakes and opened presents. Just do whatever you feel comfortable with. I’ve seen people throw huge backyard parties with catering and a dj. But they also have a lot more money than me haha 
  • There is zero need to throw a first birthday party. If you do, realize it's for YOU, not him. Like you said, he'd probably be miserable and overstimulated. Personally, I'd want a picture of baby with his first cake because it's adorable and something he may look at later. And if you want an excuse to have your friends over, then have a party and invite them. Don't bother inviting kids, unless it's your friends' kids, because at this age birthday parties are adult -centric rather than child-focused anyway. But there's nothing wrong with a normal day plus a piece of cake, he has no idea what birthdays are at this point.
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  • I’ve been wondering the same thing.

    I moved to a new state when my husband and I got married, so I have no friends to invite. He doesn’t have any friends in the area and our baby doesn’t have any friends. So it would just be his brothers family, his parents and maybe my parents.

    Which I’m fine doing something super low-key.

    But our house is a mess because we’re in the middle of doing reno’s and I just feel decorating with insulation and two by fours behind us is pointless. I don’t want the party here.
  • Instead of birthday parties for my kids I’ve been doing birthday weekends for the first few birthdays. Essentially I plan to do things they love and end it with cake and presents. I invite my and my husbands immediate family for cake and presents but I don’t make a big thing of it. For my 2 year olds last birthday we took her to the bird kingdom right near our house and she loved it. Also went to the park- one of her favs- and then had the cake of her choice and opened presents with her. For first birthdays, you can create a time dedicated for them- what games do they love to play? Do they love balloons? Animals? Sensory play? Whatever it is have them do that and take lots of pictures. You can get a smash cake for photo ops and do presents but you don’t need to do a big party or invite random people if it doesn’t feel relevant. 
  • I'll be doing one for mine, but I'd say it'll be more of a family get together than "party". Small decorations (like balloons probably, idk what else) and then grilling food and a cake. She was born on the 4th of July so we would have been with family anyways. I don't want it to be a huge thing, and I do acknowledge a party at this age is kinda for me, but i don't think family gathering to celebrate is a bad thing. She may not remember it but me and her dad will. 
  • I’m not going to throw one. To be honest I can’t afford anything big and my baby has an egg allergy. I don’t even know what I can do/how to make a cake with no egg. Is it worth it? I will for sure take pics but I’m likely not doing a party. I also don’t have any family where I live they would all have to take a plane to get to me 
  • I was pressured by my mom to do something and decided if I’m gonna do something it’ll be for me and dad, so we’re throwing a Friendsgiving” with cake and themed dark academia so we can still take neat photos
    of everyone with the bday girl
    but mellow with close friends and grandparents. 

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