June 2023 Moms

Hemorrhoids- the fear begins

Guys! I think it finally happened. I think I have hemorrhoids. 
I have a very healthy bowl movement. I eat very well, I go 3 times a day. These last 2 days I've been very gasy and It looks like it starting to form. 

I'm reaching out to my ob on my Monday. 
Is it bad? Does it get better? Any personal experience will help 🙏

Re: Hemorrhoids- the fear begins

  • It's normal. Increased pressure and weak pelvic floor muscles make for dreaded hemorrhoids. For the first time in my life,  I have one too. If they're uncomfortable, try sitz bath or using a peri bottle instead of wiping.  Good luck! We're almost to the finish line! 
  • Coconut oil applied can help soothe as well as fight them. I got them with my 1 and second post baby and one just popped up with number 6. I'm about 32 weeks. No fun. Hot sitz bath and sounds bad but I have found while on the hot bath pushing it back in helps. Tucks pads are great too. Check with OB of course. It's definitely normal. Extra blood flow, extra pressure and ligaments stretching leads to a real good time. Hope it gets better for you. 
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  • I had one the week before I had my first baby, and I used tucks. It went away during postpartum. Hoping yours is the same! 
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