1st Trimester

Who am I pregnant by?!

Recently found out i am pregnant 3weeks but im in a situation… I had sex with 2 different people one march 19 and the other the 26 , the guy on march 19 was right after my period my period was from the 13th to the 18th of March so a day after my period the second guy was 26 my cycle is 31 days I don’t know how this works im trying to figure out who i got pregnant by please don’t judge i know what i did was stupid

Re: Who am I pregnant by?!

  • 00kim0000kim00 member
    edited April 2023
    Given those dates, it's likely bachelor#2. Women typically ovulate around day 14 of their cycle (yours may be more like 17 since your cycle is usually 31 days rather than 28). So you probably ovulated around 3/27, but if you weren't tracking ovulation you won't know, and it could've been 3/20 or 4/1 for all we know.. Sperm can live inside you for 5 days. So if you ovulated been 3/19-3/24, it's bachelor #1, if you ovulated between 3/26-3/31, it's bachelor #2. It's possible that you ovulated within either of those date ranges, so it could realistically be either. You may want to tell them both now so they have opportunity to be involved and prepare now if you would like that, and then get a DNA test after the baby is born.

    Also, please get tested for STDs. Unprotected sex and multiple partners can cause more than just babies 
  • Agree could be either. Currently nursing my baby I conceived on CD #7 of unprotected sex when we thought we would still be “safe.” 

    May I ask what made you test so early? By your calculations you haven’t missed your period yet. 

    Don’t panic. Please call and get a prenatal appointment. They will test for STD’s. They may even offer a dating scan which may shed some light on the situation. Good luck!
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  • Agree could be either! Also, how are you getting positive pregnancy test at 3 weeks?  You typically cannot turn a test until you have missed or close to missing your period. 
  • edited April 2023
    Agree could be either! Also, how are you getting positive pregnancy test at 3 weeks?  You typically cannot turn a test until you have missed or close to missing your period. 
    I have gotten a positive test at 3 weeks with every single pregnancy. I use the cheapies and get a positive by 8DPO which puts me right at 3 weeks. 

    ETA: the only time I got a positive later than 8DPO was at 10DPO and that ended in a CP.  
  • I've gotten a positive at both 9 and 10dpo which is 3.5 weeks as well 🙈. It's definitely possible. Just check out the Reddit tfablineporn. The amount of people who get positives 8dpo is crazy 
    PG #1: 36w5d 12/25/19
    PG #2: EDD 8/15/23 Miscarried 9w1d 1/11/23
    PG #3: EDD 12/15/23
  • Sending Good Vibes.
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