Pregnant after 35

Thick Nuchal Fold

ancoraimparoancoraimparo member
edited March 2023 in Pregnant after 35
Just had an ultrasound at 12w4d, and the nuchal fold was "concerning" with how thick it was (in the upper range of 3mm). I'm 37 years old (this is my third child), and although I'm being told at this point we just need more info, I'm panicking a bit.  For what it's worth, I don't know how accurate the measurement was, since getting baby at the right angle to catch the measurement in the first place was a struggle. Went for the blood work immediately after. Basically, anyone have positive outcomes and/or good vibes to send my way while I wait for the next 1-2 weeks for some results? We still haven't announced the pregnancy and acting normal is going to be impossible.

Re: Thick Nuchal Fold

  • My current baby's nuchal fold measured 4.0mm and he tested negative for trisomies with the NIPT. My first baby measured slightly high too, and he doesn't have any issues either. Don't panic!
  • Thank you for that, sincerely! While I'm waiting on actual news for us, I'm seriously running on just hope, deep breaths, and looking for cases of other parents who were in this situation and had a healthy outcome. Thank you for the encouragement!
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  • No problem.  I hope everything turns out well for you!
  • I had my scan done on Monday and mine came back thickened as well. I had the blood work done and awaiting results.  My mind has been crazy too. I'm hoping that all this worry is for nothing and the baby will be fine. 
  • Hi! I came searching because I got the exact same result and still waiting for blood work. How do we not freak out??? lol I’m the same age as well…..any news yet?
    Also anyone else have any of the same stories?
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