Her foot is an inch wide! That feels so big but when she kicks me I don't doubt it lol
Upcoming appointments:
Ultrasound this Thursday, midwife (and DS1 ped) next Thursday. Then begins the biweekly appts and I'm not mentally ready
How are you feeling:
Getting to the point where everything I do takes my breath away. Constantly out of breath! Insomnia has been an issue as well. These are difficult symptoms to manage when all I want to do is nest and clean my whole house before DS2s birthday party this Sunday!
Rants / Raves:
We moved the boys in to share a room this weekend! Friday night I painted half their bedroom before I ran out of paint (underestimated how much I would need) and built their bunk bed. It was really fun getting to put together new bedding and rearranging their room for them, but also a massive undertaking. Would not have gotten done if it weren't for the aforementioned insomnia! DS2 did really well for his first night sleeping in the new room last night. He woke up just after 5 this morning and came into our room, but thankfully he wasn't scared just wiiiiiiide awake. We're counting it as a major win and I'm sure it won't take him long to get back to his usual 7-7:30ish wake up.
Poll: Are you interested in moving to a private group at this stage? Let's do it. Is a private Facebook group just the gold standard for these things? With DS1, we did Facebook and had a group of three people who volunteered to be admins and opened the group. However, one of them came up with this very odd (to me) idea that you had to have three people (either admins or other members already admitted to the group) willing to vouche for you for you to get in? Since the group is much more personal, I understand not just allowing anybody who stumbles upon it and clicks join to actually get in, but I don't know if I feel like that was really the right way to go about it. Knowing the person who came up with it especially, it had popularity contest vibes.
Interesting baby fact / Baby is the size of: Yesterday it said baby is as tall as a ninja xl air fryer 😂
Upcoming appointments: Tomorrow a vbac consult
How are you feeling: Okay. Out of breath. I feel like I just can't breathe very well right now and walking up a flight of stairs makes my heart race. I can't get too comfy at night and getting dressed is a work out
Rants / Raves: we got our master bedroom totally renovated now and carpet cleaned and moved back into our room. Carpet cleaned Reese's room and are moving him back in there throughout the week. Then renovating baby's room. Lots of hard work
Poll: Are you interested in moving to a private group at this stage? If we do I'll need to make a fake Facebook. But I will say I'm less comfortable posting to this group at this point. I haven't really been interacting anymore since recent events. And it makes me sad.. but I can't post in an uncomfortable environment
It's thumb is the size of a honeybee which is so cute since I actually know a honeybee's size 😅
Upcoming appointments:
Tuesday and hopefully I don't have to reschedule, I'm anxious to hear the heartbeat.
How are you feeling:
Rants / Raves:
I pulled out my son's 0-3 clothing the other day and I thought I didn't have much and I knew I had no NB sizes but I overestimated how much clothes I had, I only had a few outfits so I stress shopped and I think I'm much better prepared clothing wise for this baby and got most of my son's summer wardrobe bought too since he's outgrown everything I got him in October already 😅
Poll: Are you interested in moving to a private group at this stage? @peyts228 thank you for this poll, I remembered a while back most people here had said they had no Facebook so I didn't want to bring it up and seem pushy and it feels so icky to be cyber bullied into leaving this space because we're all being doxxed but oof I'm not comfortable here either anymore. I want to switch asap if others are open to it. @thescarletmom in my last BMB I think we did all our voting for members on here, we had a thread about who wanted to move and then we all liked each other's comments of the members we all knew and had interacted with for months. If someone joined and then never interacted at all we didn't let them into the private group as well as late joiners who would leave some comments but generally never follow our bump rules and didn't seem to really want to be a part of the community. That said as long as we don't let lurkers in so we're all comfortable in the new space I don't know if there's only one right way to go about it. Oh and eta our group was invitation only which I do like and seems safest, otherwise we're constantly going to have weirdos request to join.
My app says only 75 days until my due date?! That feels wayyy too quick compared to 11 weeks 😅 But, at the same time, I can't wait to meet baby and be done work and pregnancy so 😆...
Upcoming appointments:
Supposed to have one next week but was told at my appointment on Friday it may need to be rescheduled so we'll see
How are you feeling:
Pretty good! Doing 20min of stretching/yoga/exercises each day for the last few weeks has helped my back pain a tonne but I'm definitely feeling a lot less room internally, like heartburn could become an issue and I feel almost a bit.. nauseous, I guess? Just from lying down
Rants / Raves:
Feeling ready for baby at this point in that we have everything we need for at least the first week or so for sure -- but still somehow feeling like this is not really happening?! 🫠
Poll: Are you interested in moving to a private group at this stage? Yes! Also feeling the discomfort of being 'here' but definitely wanting to continue connecting and staying in touch with everyone who's here to do the same -- I'm someone who doesn't really use Facebook aside from messenger but I do have an account and would be happy for us to have a private group over there that I would use
@hitcj4687 will also have to make a "fake" Facebook 😂 but would in a heartbeat to keep up with everyone.
@kalesix3 I like that so much better because it's open! With the other way it was three people in a "closed room" deciding who got to be let in and that didn't mesh well for me. The most important thing is definitely comfort so whatever everyone thinks feels right sounds good to me! If someone wants to put together a thread for move comments, I'm okay with moving ASAP.
@potato3000 this is definitely not really happening in my head too! Inching closer and closer to baby month with a huge belly and it still isn't real. We are *mostly* ready, took some huge prep steps this past weekend with getting the boys room set up, but still need a few basics like carseat and some more diapers. And need to do some cleaning and purging around the house. But that's it, I think!
Estimated Due Date / Weeks + Days: 26+2 almost third tri!!
Team Boy/Girl/Surprise: girl
Interesting baby fact / Baby is the size of: a head of kale?
Upcoming appointments: glucose on 3/30, then bi-weekly.
How are you feeling: not awesome. Got some kind of cold over the weekend and it’s kicking my trash. Also echoing all the insomnia comments. I swear I never sleep anymore.
Rants / Raves: sooo much nesting, holy cow. We have a bunch of small projects to do and I really need to start buying baby stuff. I always procrastinate that stuff lol.
Questions: my 4-year-old just tantrumed so hard that she made herself puke… she screams like a banshee. This is new as of the last couple of weeks and I am really struggling with knowing how to parent situations like this… any suggestions or advice? She’s normally a pretty chill kid.
Poll: Are you interested in moving to a private group at this stage? Yes please! I’m happy with a private facebook group. And all for invite only. Let me know how I can help!
@bridgettetheboxer that is TOUGH. My oldest (6.5) is a very sensitive kid and sometimes when very upset he cries until he pukes, but it's rare. Is she crying with the screaming, or did she just scream to the point of vomiting? Some of this will come down to the fact that you know your kid best, but this is kind of the evolution of things we've found in addressing his out of control big feelings. For starters, when he's overwhelmed and upset, he doesn't like to be talked to and usually doesn't like to be touched, unless he initiated it. I would see if you notice if either of these things may be applicable to your daughter, because at first we thought maybe talking him through it, hugs, etc would help but when I really paid attention they were hurting the situation. We've never been outside of our home when he's had one of these particular types of meltdowns, but if you are I would strongly suggest taking your kiddo either to the car or a family bathroom. The screaming is so triggering especially in public, but you getting escalated won't help you to de-escalate 🩶 (I like the phrase be the thermostat not the thermometer). The biggest thing for our son is that I am nearby-ish, but not "in his space". The amount of space can vary instance to instance, but I usually I stay enough of a distance that we're not touching or arms length, but not so far that it would be more than a few steps to get to me if he needs physical comfort. And I remind him that it's okay to be upset, I'm here when he's ready, it's okay if he does or doesn't want a hug, he is safe. No matter what it seems like set the episode off, I do the same thing. I try to never "send him to his room" or isolate him while giving him space. Once I stopped stepping over boundaries I didn't notice he was setting, things settled much quicker. I won't say he's never upset or that it doesn't take a few minutes sometimes, but hand over first we come out of the crying more regulated than before. I hope any of this is helpful and you can see what's applicable for your kiddo! It's hard and I feel for you as you navigate this.
Interesting baby fact / Baby is the size of:. 🤷♀️
Upcoming appointments: Next Tues, and then biweekly after that 🤯
How are you feeling: With y'all on the insomnia train, it's been rough.
Rants / Raves:
Poll: Are you interested in moving to a private group at this stage?
Yep! My last BMB transitioned to a private Bump group first, then moved to Facebook late in the third tri. It gave everyone an extra layer of comfort to have a private place to post and solidify trust before going to Facebook with real names. Not sure if folks might like that method, given recent concerns.
@thescarletmom thank you!! She definitely likes to have her space and not be touched when she is feeling that way. I tend to try and stay near, but not too close. But I definitely need to work and keeping myself calm because it can be super triggering for me. Part of me wonders if it’s because of the pregnancy? Or maybe too much screen time? I’m not sure, but I appreciate the solidarity!
Feeling great. This trip is exactly what I needed. A huge boost in energy. We've been hiking daily and living out of Reba (the RV) We ended the west coast part of our journey. Our property has improved so much int the 7 years we have owned it. Now off to our east coast property to do some spring break/ baby moon time and of course some improvements to the property. Our anniversary is this week. We share it with my Grandparents and plan to surprise them the day of for a double date. This weekend we will have a sitter for a nice hotel night alone and no worries. I absolutely cannot wait.
Nearly every project is done. We have 1 plumbing project to tackle and then some intense gardening and we are smooth to sail through fall. I am starting my freezer meal list and the ingredients needed. We will be picking up our pig, cow, and chicken from the butcher on our way back through. I'm so excited to have the freezers restocked for another year. When we get back from the east coast we are incubating some eggs. My coop has been fixed and is ready to roll! It's all meshing and perfectly timed.
Poll: I think if you're uncomfortable posting on a public forum then you shouldn't have been at all. Get your group together so you can be comfortable. No poll necessary, I mean if you all really had meshed, wouldn't you have made contact outside of a public forum by now? Please look into doxing. @kalesix3 once again is misusing a term making it weild less weight. Doxing is giving out personal data of a stranger online. Data as in address, phone number, full name, place of work. Etc. No one is a victim of doxing here and no one has been doxed. Any info said on yourself was posted on your own. Making doxed be far from what has happened here. I'd call it attention seeking or the ability to connect, maybe. The victimhood mentality of the times will not do any well. I'd also look up the definition of cyber bully. Some might say you all are being cyber bullies the way you have interacted with multiple accounts on here. Another intriguing dynamic I've noticed. Once again playing a victim.
All part of what I'm trying to figure out in the disconnect of humanity these days. I bet your OBs and Midwives have many a pregnant woman in their care now, why do we feel the need to hide behind screens to connect? Couldn't we do it with groups in our areas and not on a public forum where we have to take polls and do likes and votes to go private? Even then 1 of you is probably an old man doing vile things listening to these self doxing comments. It's a riot really. When you step back and look at the disconnect that the internet has done to society.
Find a community near you and jump in. It makes much more of a difference doing it that way than with strangers online. I have 5 really good friends I met just through my OB during visits. Our kids love eachother as they're the same ages and we have a connection as we labored so close together multiple times. We just made a ton of freezer meals for 1 mama who is delivering this month. It's the real connections not the parasocial interactions that mean the most. Best of luck to you ladies. Here's to hoping you all go private or better yet, brave and branch out to reality.
Interesting baby fact / Baby is the size of: the length of a toaster over ha!
Upcoming appointments: just today had a basic ob appointment where they asked a bunch of L&D questions - I’m not ready for those questions to be necessary yet!
How are you feeling: overall pretty good, sleeping better and still exercising regularly. We’ll see what happens as third tri progresses lol
Rants / Raves: nothing really, I just can’t believe how fast this pregnancy is going
Poll: Are you interested in moving to a private group at this stage? Only because I would interact more.
I see both sides of the recent kerfuffle as a PhD trained researcher myself who did similar public forum research for my own PhD (on a different topic). The researcher here wasn’t under any obligation to inform people she was here because it’s a public forum AND I can understand how people can forget how public these spaces really are. A Facebook group with vetting is a way to go, but I’ll do whatever.
@peyts228 I'm open to either, I only have experience with Facebook groups though so that would be my vote but I'm cool with either way. Did you want to create the private group or should I? Or should someone else? In my last BMB the "founder" and first member in the group just took charge of making our fb group so I'm not really sure of protocol in other groups, but I definitely don't want to step on toes.
@monkey_mcfee I mean it's less the "research" and more the actual bullying going on. Wanting people to follow group rules is not the same as calling out members for being a man and not even pregnant at all or informing us all of how we're all the problem among other abusive behavior. In my groups on Facebook we have a more liberal definition of doxxing apparently but most of it probably falls under the category of cyber bullying. Reminding people of how much private information you know about them is bullying plain and simple.
@thoseboysmama you are not the yard stick of logical reasoning and moral superiority that we all must be measured against and deemed to fail like you seem to believe. Get some therapy for that massive ego, I'm surprised you didn't address in this in all your therapy in your youth? Why are you even here if you feel so strongly? What about your "real life" connections that mean so much more? The only person who smells fishy is you. I truthfully doubt you are in any way a "researcher" and think you just fabricated the whole scenario to rile people up and make them uncomfortable. You can say you interacted "genuinely" but by affirmatively concealing your intentions it's inherently disingenuous. Obligations as a researcher don't matter much when it's about basic human decency. And I'm not a fan of people making up a crisis just to "prove" theres a crisis to be concerned about. You coming here and intentionally being a creep doesn't make me fear creeps on the internet, it just makes me think you're a dick. And I haven't heard anything new from you that I haven't heard from my uncle who hates everyone at every Thanksgiving dinner since 2011. Continuing to come back and say "go private, just go private" every time there is a discussion about it is illogical. You are the bully you claim everyone else around you to be. Genuinely, from the bottom of my heart, all you are is a troll.
@thescarletmom i never claimed anyone to be a bully. I am not a yardstick of any sort. I never claimed to be. I'm seeing a disconnect crisis in the world and how people use these places (which of course can be healthy) instead of going out and being in their community doing the same. The codependency of the internet is not healthy. I never called a name. That was you. I'll be a dick that's fine. Atleast I'm an honest one. It's a very unhealthy society we are creating. I have a community. I'm not familiar with this kind of community. I have researched the last year plus on this kind of community. It perplexes me. I don't have any social media. To me it's as fake as this forum. To some maybe it is real. Instead of being on these spaces, generally I'm doing something productive in a real life sense. Nothing fishy to question a whole different world than what you have seen to be healthy. At my family gatherings we don't have an uncle no one likes. We are all connected people with different views ans genuine respect for one another. It's super healthy. I'm sorry you have that in your family.
Misusing words because a group says this is how this word should be used is wrong too. Words have definitions and changing those definitions is not a healthy way to communicate fluently.
I'd also like to point out, the man comment was obviously a remark to the fact that many strange people of all walks are ALWAYS creeping on the internet. Many a person has pretended to be someone they aren't on the internet. Also many a person is lurking and listening to everything you dox about yourself. I'm simply a PSA. Haha
@monkey_mcfee thank you. I appreciate an unbiased opinion. I am genuinely a very curious person when it comes to most everything. I meant no harm in any of this. I feel bad others are so offended, but it's further proving my research to be strong. The internet is WILD!
Interesting baby fact / Baby is the size of: butternut squash
Upcoming appointments: OB and MFM this week
How are you feeling: Mostly good although the pelvic pain is getting annoying.
Rants / Raves: We had a really good weekend this past weekend. I broke down and bought baby clothes today because they were super cute even though we are supposed to get hand me downs from a friend.
Poll: Are you interested in moving to a private group at this stage?
Sure. I haven’t been on in a few weeks and I clearly missed something. I have an IRL community, none of my friends are pregnant now though, they have older kids. Once the baby is born I’ll go back to my baby hiking group to meet other moms with babies in my area. I have still liked having an online community for people who can relate to things at times where IRL people aren’t around, like the newborn MOTN feedings. Or for connecting with people dealing with the same situations that can be difficult to find IRL.
@kalesix3 No strong preference from me for The Bump vs. FB, just throwing out options for the group to consider 🤗
I will be totally transparent that I wouldn't have the bandwidth right now to take charge of the move. Just wanted to throw the question into the weekly check-in since most of us participate on the thread. I'll be happy to follow the lead of whomever wants to facilitate the actual move!
Okay @peyts228 I completely understand where you're at!! I'll try to get a group up and running tonight if I can and then post a thread for people who want to move, I think I can private message anyone who wants to move the link!
Re: Weekly Check-in 3/20
Let's do it. Is a private Facebook group just the gold standard for these things? With DS1, we did Facebook and had a group of three people who volunteered to be admins and opened the group. However, one of them came up with this very odd (to me) idea that you had to have three people (either admins or other members already admitted to the group) willing to vouche for you for you to get in? Since the group is much more personal, I understand not just allowing anybody who stumbles upon it and clicks join to actually get in, but I don't know if I feel like that was really the right way to go about it. Knowing the person who came up with it especially, it had popularity contest vibes.
June 13 27+6
Yesterday it said baby is as tall as a ninja xl air fryer 😂
Tomorrow a vbac consult
Okay. Out of breath. I feel like I just can't breathe very well right now and walking up a flight of stairs makes my heart race. I can't get too comfy at night and getting dressed is a work out
If we do I'll need to make a fake Facebook. But I will say I'm less comfortable posting to this group at this point. I haven't really been interacting anymore since recent events. And it makes me sad.. but I can't post in an uncomfortable environment
@peyts228 thank you for this poll, I remembered a while back most people here had said they had no Facebook so I didn't want to bring it up and seem pushy and it feels so icky to be cyber bullied into leaving this space because we're all being doxxed but oof I'm not comfortable here either anymore. I want to switch asap if others are open to it.
@thescarletmom in my last BMB I think we did all our voting for members on here, we had a thread about who wanted to move and then we all liked each other's comments of the members we all knew and had interacted with for months. If someone joined and then never interacted at all we didn't let them into the private group as well as late joiners who would leave some comments but generally never follow our bump rules and didn't seem to really want to be a part of the community. That said as long as we don't let lurkers in so we're all comfortable in the new space I don't know if there's only one right way to go about it.
Oh and eta our group was invitation only which I do like and seems safest, otherwise we're constantly going to have weirdos request to join.
Yes! Also feeling the discomfort of being 'here' but definitely wanting to continue connecting and staying in touch with everyone who's here to do the same -- I'm someone who doesn't really use Facebook aside from messenger but I do have an account and would be happy for us to have a private group over there that I would use
@kalesix3 I like that so much better because it's open! With the other way it was three people in a "closed room" deciding who got to be let in and that didn't mesh well for me. The most important thing is definitely comfort so whatever everyone thinks feels right sounds good to me! If someone wants to put together a thread for move comments, I'm okay with moving ASAP.
@potato3000 this is definitely not really happening in my head too! Inching closer and closer to baby month with a huge belly and it still isn't real. We are *mostly* ready, took some huge prep steps this past weekend with getting the boys room set up, but still need a few basics like carseat and some more diapers. And need to do some cleaning and purging around the house. But that's it, I think!
Yep! My last BMB transitioned to a private Bump group first, then moved to Facebook late in the third tri. It gave everyone an extra layer of comfort to have a private place to post and solidify trust before going to Facebook with real names. Not sure if folks might like that method, given recent concerns.
We ended the west coast part of our journey. Our property has improved so much int the 7 years we have owned it. Now off to our east coast property to do some spring break/ baby moon time and of course some improvements to the property.
Our anniversary is this week. We share it with my Grandparents and plan to surprise them the day of for a double date. This weekend we will have a sitter for a nice hotel night alone and no worries. I absolutely cannot wait.
Nearly every project is done. We have 1 plumbing project to tackle and then some intense gardening and we are smooth to sail through fall.
I am starting my freezer meal list and the ingredients needed. We will be picking up our pig, cow, and chicken from the butcher on our way back through. I'm so excited to have the freezers restocked for another year. When we get back from the east coast we are incubating some eggs. My coop has been fixed and is ready to roll! It's all meshing and perfectly timed.
Poll: I think if you're uncomfortable posting on a public forum then you shouldn't have been at all. Get your group together so you can be comfortable. No poll necessary, I mean if you all really had meshed, wouldn't you have made contact outside of a public forum by now? Please look into doxing. @kalesix3 once again is misusing a term making it weild less weight. Doxing is giving out personal data of a stranger online. Data as in address, phone number, full name, place of work. Etc.
No one is a victim of doxing here and no one has been doxed. Any info said on yourself was posted on your own. Making doxed be far from what has happened here. I'd call it attention seeking or the ability to connect, maybe. The victimhood mentality of the times will not do any well. I'd also look up the definition of cyber bully. Some might say you all are being cyber bullies the way you have interacted with multiple accounts on here. Another intriguing dynamic I've noticed. Once again playing a victim.
All part of what I'm trying to figure out in the disconnect of humanity these days. I bet your OBs and Midwives have many a pregnant woman in their care now, why do we feel the need to hide behind screens to connect? Couldn't we do it with groups in our areas and not on a public forum where we have to take polls and do likes and votes to go private? Even then 1 of you is probably an old man doing vile things listening to these self doxing comments. It's a riot really. When you step back and look at the disconnect that the internet has done to society.
Find a community near you and jump in. It makes much more of a difference doing it that way than with strangers online. I have 5 really good friends I met just through my OB during visits. Our kids love eachother as they're the same ages and we have a connection as we labored so close together multiple times. We just made a ton of freezer meals for 1 mama who is delivering this month. It's the real connections not the parasocial interactions that mean the most. Best of luck to you ladies. Here's to hoping you all go private or better yet, brave and branch out to reality.
I see both sides of the recent kerfuffle as a PhD trained researcher myself who did similar public forum research for my own PhD (on a different topic). The researcher here wasn’t under any obligation to inform people she was here because it’s a public forum AND I can understand how people can forget how public these spaces really are. A Facebook group with vetting is a way to go, but I’ll do whatever.
In my groups on Facebook we have a more liberal definition of doxxing apparently but most of it probably falls under the category of cyber bullying. Reminding people of how much private information you know about them is bullying plain and simple.
I have a community. I'm not familiar with this kind of community. I have researched the last year plus on this kind of community. It perplexes me. I don't have any social media. To me it's as fake as this forum. To some maybe it is real. Instead of being on these spaces, generally I'm doing something productive in a real life sense.
Nothing fishy to question a whole different world than what you have seen to be healthy.
At my family gatherings we don't have an uncle no one likes. We are all connected people with different views ans genuine respect for one another. It's super healthy. I'm sorry you have that in your family.
Misusing words because a group says this is how this word should be used is wrong too. Words have definitions and changing those definitions is not a healthy way to communicate fluently.
I'd also like to point out, the man comment was obviously a remark to the fact that many strange people of all walks are ALWAYS creeping on the internet. Many a person has pretended to be someone they aren't on the internet. Also many a person is lurking and listening to everything you dox about yourself. I'm simply a PSA. Haha
@monkey_mcfee thank you. I appreciate an unbiased opinion. I am genuinely a very curious person when it comes to most everything. I meant no harm in any of this. I feel bad others are so offended, but it's further proving my research to be strong. The internet is WILD!
Sure. I haven’t been on in a few weeks and I clearly missed something. I have an IRL community, none of my friends are pregnant now though, they have older kids. Once the baby is born I’ll go back to my baby hiking group to meet other moms with babies in my area. I have still liked having an online community for people who can relate to things at times where IRL people aren’t around, like the newborn MOTN feedings. Or for connecting with people dealing with the same situations that can be difficult to find IRL.
I will be totally transparent that I wouldn't have the bandwidth right now to take charge of the move. Just wanted to throw the question into the weekly check-in since most of us participate on the thread. I'll be happy to follow the lead of whomever wants to facilitate the actual move!
baby #5
baby’s foot is about an inch wide
I feel good most of the time.
yes, I think I would be more active on Facebook, I have to remind myself to come on here.