Hi I just wanted to see if anyone has experience this or anything similar. I found out I was pregnant on Feb 4th my first doc appt was Feb. 15th they did an ultrasound and found nothing. They believed I was having an eptopic pregnancy. On Feb 27th I go in for another ultrasound and they saw the gestational sac. They think it might be a threaten miscarriage. On March 8 I go in for another ultrasound and they find the yolk sac and fetal pole. They measure me at 6 weeks and 1 day. On March 15th the ultrasound tech finds the embryo and possibly saw signs of cardiac activity. She being in another tech and she believes she see it as well but couldn’t be certain due to it being very blurry for some reason. I measure 6 weeks and 3 days. They still aren’t certain if this can be a miscarriage still or not because every time I go in for a ultrasound they find something new and I keep showing Signs for progression. I just don’t know what to think or feel. Help please!!! Any help or thought would be greatly appreciated!!! Posted below are my ultrasound as well first one 6 weeks and 1 day and 2nd one is 6 weeks 3 days

Re: Help this momma out !! Not sure what to think!!!
you don’t like what I post you can just skip it
thank you !!! Don’t waste you time commenting if it bother you want I’m posting !
1. Expected gestational age based on LMP and your personal history
2. Quality of imaging equipment/method of imaging (abdominal va transvaginal)
3. Presence of fetal cardiac activity or not (and HR if able to measure)
4. Ongoing monitoring and imaging findings
5. Uterine positioning and technical factors based on your individual body.
We don’t have all that info. Only your TRAINED care team does. And even with all of that, they have told you it’s unclear. We can’t help that or really offer more insight. All you can do is wait. That’s what other women in your situation have had to do as well. Hopefully time passes quickly so you get more firm information soon.
Maybe call your doctor office and ask them what those numbers mean and if that is good or not. Thry have way more inside knowledge Nd experience
im sorry this isn't the answer you are looking for but all of these ladies have chimes in with basically the same thing. If you aren't happy with their feedback that's on you 🤷♀️
PG #2: EDD 8/15/23 Miscarried 9w1d 1/11/23
PG #3: EDD 12/15/23