1st Trimester

Help this momma out !! Not sure what to think!!!

Hi I just wanted to see if anyone has experience this or anything similar. I found out I was pregnant on Feb 4th my first doc appt was Feb. 15th they did an ultrasound and found nothing. They believed I was having an eptopic pregnancy. On Feb 27th I go in for another ultrasound and they saw the gestational sac. They think it might be a threaten miscarriage. On March 8 I go in for another ultrasound and they find the yolk sac and fetal pole. They measure me at 6 weeks and 1 day. On March 15th the ultrasound tech finds the embryo and possibly saw signs of cardiac activity. She being in another tech and she believes she  see it as well but couldn’t be certain due to it being very blurry for some reason. I measure 6 weeks and 3 days. They still aren’t certain if this can be a miscarriage still or not because every time I go in for a ultrasound they find something new and I keep showing Signs for progression. I just don’t know what to think or feel. Help please!!! Any help or thought would be greatly appreciated!!! Posted below are my ultrasound as well first one 6 weeks and 1 day and 2nd one is 6 weeks 3 days 

Re: Help this momma out !! Not sure what to think!!!

  • Didn’t like the last responses?
    DD1: June '16 DD2: March ‘19 :::: Married since 2011 :::: USN Wife ::::
  • Why did you post this again? You got answers on your last post. Even if someone did experience something like this it doesn’t change your specific outcome. All you can do is wait for your next scan. I’m not sure what you’re expecting or want to hear from people. Your medical team told you exactly what’s going on. It was too early to see much. But the reason they’re telling you it’s possible it’s not viable is because there’s not much growth between those scans vs the amount of time that has gone by. 
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  • I was putting on here again because I add more info thank you if
    you don’t like what I post you can just skip it
    thank you !!! Don’t waste you time commenting if it bother you want I’m posting ! 
  • I still stand by my same answer from the original post. 
  • Are you just speaking with US techs? What has your actually doctor said? Time will tell if this is a healthy pregnancy. I would just keep my focus on the fact that my baby is growing. There isn’t anything that can be done to prevent a bad outcome. 
  • Posting it again won’t get any different responses. Still the same people here. 

    And again, as I said before, nobody can tell  anything from those photos. It’s like someone showing you a grainy still picture of their living outside baby with no measurements or video and asking if they are growing and developing normally. 

    If the trained techs/providers can’t give you straight answers, nobody here will be able to either. I know it’s stressful and for that I’m truly sorry you are going through this. For what it’s worth, I’ve had perfectly good early ultrasounds followed by losses. Nobody could have predicted a bad outcome either time. There are people who have really not so good looking early ultrasounds carry term healthy babies. It’s a waiting game. 

    Here at the bump, we give it to you straight, and sometimes that means saying we can’t help. If you want a “that totes looks like my US and I had a perfectly healthy baby!” maybe baby center would be more your speed. But it won’t change YOUR outcome. 
  • Ok well if this helps here the measurement I really don’t want answers I was actually just seeing if anyone has been through this I thought that is why moms come to these sites ?? 
  • Ok well if this helps here the measurement I really don’t want answers I was actually just seeing if anyone has been through this I thought that is why moms come to these sites ?? 
    What you aren’t understanding is that you are getting your answer. This is the advice given to the people who have been in your situation. The advice is always to just wait and see. No one can tell you that your pregnancy is viable or not viable. From what you have posted, your health care team doesn’t even have that answer. So how are we suppose to have it? 
  • AGAIN I’m not asking for information or answers she asked what the measurements was that’s why posted them !!! And again if you don’t have anything nice to say leave me alone !!! I’m stressed enough worried about my health and pregnancy I don’t need any negative comments !!! 
  • What the measurements mean is that a crown/rump length was obtained and the machine calculates a gestational age based on that. Your care team is the one who interprets those numbers and whether the pregnancy is considered viable based on many factors:

    1. Expected gestational age based on LMP and your personal history
    2. Quality of imaging equipment/method of imaging (abdominal va transvaginal)
    3. Presence of fetal cardiac activity or not (and HR if able to measure) 
    4. Ongoing monitoring and imaging findings
    5. Uterine positioning and technical factors based on your individual body. 
    6. Any symptoms you may or may not have

    We don’t have all that info. Only your TRAINED care team does. And even with all of that, they have told you it’s unclear. We can’t help that or really offer more insight. All you can do is wait. That’s what other women in your situation have had to do as well. Hopefully time passes quickly so you get more firm information soon. 
  • @jessicahawley how do you expect us to know what the numbers mean if you don't know what the numbers mean. @Wishilivedinflorida told you (probably the best answer you will get) yet she cannot even get you what things mean.  

    Maybe call your doctor office and ask them what those numbers mean and if that is good or not.  Thry have way more inside knowledge Nd experience 
  • So you’re looking for other’s experiences. How does that help you? Even if 10 women shared their experience of measuring super behind and slow growth that resulted in healthy babies, would that make you feel any better if yours ends up not turning out that way? It’s like you’re looking for false hope and I get that could be comforting. But it’s not realistic, 
  • Why are u all so negative and blunt I understand what can happen and the realistic of my situation believe me every thought and scenario had been brought up or thought about !! I get it !! I just had a miscarriage a year ago ! Im just trying to enjoy this pregnancy as much as I can and be happy about my rainbow baby ! I’m just thought I could come on here and find some positive feed back and find some light on a cloudy situation that’s all but thanks to you all and your being soo truthful I know the the many outcome of what ifs ok I’m not stupid ! I have talked to my doctor very throughly I see her every week for an ultrasound for the last 4 weeks but don’t worry I will delete this forum and excuse me for posting looking for some positive feed back guess that was too much to ask on this group !!!!
  • jessicahawleyjessicahawley member
    edited March 2023
    And to be honest we all are reaching and holding on positive thoughts we need them to help us get through some of these pregnancy a lot of are scared to lose our babies. We all r posting to see what the next persons outcome is or some type of advise that is what almost all these post are about !!  So excuse me for posting something To get feed back from ! 
  • Everyone has been giving you advice. That advice is call your care team for more info. The problem in this scenario is that none of us can give you an answer. 

    I measured behind and ended in a miscarriage. I've seen stories of it going both ways when I was googling for a week between my ultrasounds. 🤷‍♀️ the only way to know if it's viable is with time... 

    im sorry this isn't the answer you are looking for but all of these ladies have chimes in with basically the same thing. If you aren't happy with their feedback that's on you 🤷‍♀️
    PG #1: 36w5d 12/25/19
    PG #2: EDD 8/15/23 Miscarried 9w1d 1/11/23
    PG #3: EDD 12/15/23
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