I'm having a strange beta experience. We've been ttc for a couple years, mc for an unplanned pregnancy in 2012 and Mmc Sept 2022 for a planned one, conceived naturally. I had the urge to test recently and it was positive! But my beta came with conflicting results. My OB is redoing the labs now to see if this was a lab error, otherwise bracing for a chemical. Does this seem wild to anyone else?
Lmp: 2/13
HPTs, all clear strong lines:
#1 clear blue, positive, 3/15
#2 frer, positive 3/15
#3 clear blue digital, positive 3/16
#4 frer, positive 3/17
HCG qualitative: positive
HCG quantitative: 2.4 (less than 5, indicating negative)
Both from same blood sample.
Symptoms: sore breasts, fatigue
Re: Lab error? Conflicting results
That said, my new results showed 97, so 2.4 was a lab error!