1st Trimester

Lab error? Conflicting results

I'm having a strange beta experience. We've been ttc for a couple years, mc for an unplanned pregnancy in 2012 and Mmc Sept 2022 for a planned one, conceived naturally. I had the urge to test recently and it was positive! But my beta came with conflicting results. My OB is redoing the labs now to see if this was a lab error, otherwise bracing for a chemical. Does this seem wild to anyone else?

Lmp: 2/13

HPTs, all clear strong lines:
#1 clear blue, positive, 3/15
#2 frer, positive 3/15
#3 clear blue digital, positive 3/16
#4 frer, positive 3/17

HCG qualitative: positive
HCG quantitative: 2.4 (less than 5, indicating negative)
Both from same blood sample.

Symptoms: sore breasts, fatigue

Re: Lab error? Conflicting results

  • See what the retest says, and see what your doctor says in reagrd to the retest. That's all that I can tell you.  
  • See what the retest says, and see what your doctor says in reagrd to the retest. That's all that I can tell you.  
    I second this. You need to get the results of the retest and talk to your doctor. The rest of the data mean nothing, really, at least not enough to know what's going on 
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  • Thanks for your responses. I understand comparison is what matters generally. But a result less than 5 HCG means you're not pregnant at all, and 2.4 normally wouldn't register on an HPT, so these were not in the realm of normal.

    That said, my new results showed 97, so 2.4 was a lab error!
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