I had a 12 week ultrasound and my doctor told me there is a uterine synechiae we have to watch over. Has anyone had this ? Id love to hear your experiences.
Hi! I was originally diagnosed with a synechiae at my anatomy scan at 19 weeks. My OB sent a referral to Maternal Fetal Medicine, who did another scan of the baby, placenta, and my uterus. Come to find out that it’s actually a circumvallate placenta - which can show up on ultrasound looking much the same as a synechiae (but is way less scary). I know your post is far beyond your pregnancy, but hoping this response gives someone else hope, when facing a similar situation, especially since I haven’t seen any posts on here about a circumvallate placenta. MFM doc was way less concerned with this diagnosis than the synechiae - just need scans every 4 weeks to be sure that baby is growing well.
Re: Uterine Synechiae