FTM/STM/TTM+: EDD / Weeks + Days: Baby is the size of a: Team blue/pink/green: Upcoming Appointments: How are you feeling?: Rants/Raves: Questions: GTKY: What was the last thing you read?
FTM/STM/TTM+: 4TM EDD / Weeks + Days: 6/2 28+4? Baby is the size of a: Team blue/pink/green: pink Upcoming Appointments: regular OB (and gestational diabetes test. Yum.) Friday then back to MFM in April How are you feeling?: good! Just exhausted. Definitely a ton of SI joint pain. I just feel like my entire pelvis/lower back is crumbling at the end of the day. Rants/Raves: my son's entire kindergarten class has been trying to bribe me to push the baby out. I went to pick him up last week and they all said they'd give me $10,000 to push the baby out right then. Which ... is not a bad deal. Questions: GTKY: What was the last thing you read? Oooooh okay this sounds really awful, but I'm currently reading a Mary Roach called Gulp all about digestion and the alimentary canal. I love her books - they're so funny and informative and I just race through them.
FTM/STM/TTM+: FTM EDD / Weeks + Days: 5/5, 32+4 Baby is the size of a: squash? I think? Team blue/pink/green: blue Upcoming Appointments: OB and placenta check/growth scan on Thursday How are you feeling?: I second the hip/lower back pain. Omg. Rants/Raves: Rave: Had my shower this weekend and it was so fun and now everything is starting to feel reaaaally real. Rant (sort of): my husband’s office is going to become the baby’s room and he is moving down to the basement. This requires a bit of work in the basement on his part and he knows he has to do it soon so we can start getting stuff set up, but now I am starting to feel really impatient. I want to wash things and get everything organized! Questions: none GTKY: What was the last thing you read? Oh gosh I am in a Sarah J. Maas abyss and I love it here. I read the A Court of Thorns and Roses series, Crescent City series, and am deep in the Throne of Glass series now.
FTM/STM/TTM+: STM EDD / Weeks + Days: May 5 / 32W4D Baby is the size of a: squash Team blue/pink/green: blue Upcoming Appointments: 3rd tri ultrasound next Monday. Gonna bring DD so she can see baby brother! How are you feeling?: Tired. We visited an indoor water park this weekend and walking through the pool was tough on my legs, plus the hotel mattress was so soft I felt like I was sinking into it. I'm just glad DD slept all night in an unfamiliar location. Rants/Raves: We've had almost no snow this winter and it decided to dump snow and ice on us this weekend. And since DH "didn't feel like shoveling the driveway" last night, DD slipped off the icy porch and hit her head this morning. Bright side, I think DH learned his lesson. Questions: nope GTKY: What was the last thing you read? I've been on a book kick because DH has been working out in the evenings. The last one I finished was Remarkably Bright Creatures, which I thought was just okay. Right now I'm reading The Villa, and although I'm loving the references to the origin of Frankenstein, it feels kind of dull so far.
FTM/STM/TTM+: TTM EDD / Weeks + Days: 5/16 31w Baby is the size of a: asparagus Team blue/pink/green: blue Upcoming Appointments: Friday How are you feeling?: Tired. I know time change and everything, but I've been getting decent sleep and shouldn't be so so tired! Also experiencing some swelling if I don't move every hour or so or keep my feet propped up which is annoying. Rants/Raves: Just going through some heavy personal stuff with our family. Need lots of prayers/good vibes next week. Questions: NATM GTKY: What was the last thing you read? House Across the Lake by Riley Sager, it was wild.
FTM/STM/TTM+: STM EDD / Weeks + Days: May 6, but likely here May 1; 32+3 Baby is the size of a: squash Team blue/pink/green: pink Upcoming Appointments: weekly growth scans and biophysical screenings start this Friday. How are you feeling?: Tired and sore. On top of time change, DH worked all weekend, which leaves me on kid duty, and it’s exhausting lol. My hips and pelvic bones are SO sore in the morning, and today it lasted all day. Whee. Rants/Raves: rant is that my dear husband lost the screws to the old crib and the new set he bought left it wiggly, so my rave is that MIL generously gifted us a new one for this baby and it’s finally coming on Thursday. I am MAKING him build it this weekend so we can finish decor in her room asap. Questions: nothing GTKY: What was the last thing you read? Yesterday I finished All Good People Here- I really liked it until the stupid ending, and today I’m starting Tell Me Lies. I don’t normally read so many thriller type books in a row, but all my holds came up at the same time at the library 😂
@hestia-is-wearie, aww man, RBC was my favorite book I read last year! I recommend it to everyone!
How are you feeling?: Blergh. Bad heartburn, even with taking pepcid. Anyone have any recommendations for relief? I've also tried Tums with similar lackluster results. Also, the pelvic and hip pain is getting REAL. Nighttime peeing is now an Olympic sport.
Rants/Raves: We have electricity, everyone is at least mostly healthy, and DH has had several positive job interviews. Thankful for it all this week.
Questions: see above
GTKY: What was the last thing you read? Under the Whispering Door - I love TJ Klune!
@BourbonBiscuits I would totally take that deal! 😂 @courtney701 Sarah J Maas has been on my to-read list for some time. What do you recommend starting with? @hestia-is-wearie Poor DD! Glad you all had a good time at the water park though. @gingermama46 Sending you lots of good thoughts ❤️ @ashleyp625 Yay for the new crib coming!
@abjm0325 It depends on how spicy you like your novels Throne of Glass has no spice (at least through book 3, which I just finished tonight). Crescent City gets fairly graphic. A Court of Thorns and Roses is in between, with the later books getting spicier. TOG is the only complete series right now, if you’d rather start with something that has an ending and not wait an unknown number of years to get the next book.
I think ACOTAR is the easiest plot to follow. There’s a LOT going on in Crescent City. A friend said she was taking notes 😂
How are you feeling?: Sad, I've been a bit MIA because I was admitted early to the hospital due to my Vasa Previa diagnosis. Currently going crazy because I'm not allowed to do anything until we deliver. I was told I wasn't going to make it to May and we're just trying to get to the end of March before taking her at 34/35 weeks.
GTKY: What was the last thing you read? The last book I read was The Sweetest Oblivion by Danielle Lori.
Sarah J Maas is on my to read list. I've just not gotten that far.
FTM/STM/TTM+: STM EDD / Weeks + Days: May 7th / 32+2 Baby is the size of a: zucchini? Team blue/pink/green: green Upcoming Appointments: OB tomorrow then anatomy/ growth scan next Wednesday.
How are you feeling?: Overall not too bad, just tired and the typical 3rd trimester uncomfortable with night time heart burn, both of which make sleeping fun, which add to the tired .. so you know it's the best... Haha
Rants/Raves: rave... We had a weekend away in the mountains with my sister and her husband. It was great and really nice for DD to get some family time (we live in the next province over from our families).
Questions: what is everyone else's plans regarding how long you're going to work till? I thought with my last one it was pretty standard to get a doctor's note to get written off work a few weeks before your due date, but my OB said that wasn't something she was going to do as I didn't have a medical reason not to work... Just wondering what others experiences/ plans are.
GTKY: What was the last thing you read? The bodyguard by Katherine center. I usually read cheesy rom come as they're easy and fun
@caroduke My company offers 12 weeks paid leave and you can use vacation time immediately before or after. My due date falls on a Friday, so I put in my first day of maternity leave as the following Monday, and I have the phone number of the insurance company in my phone so I can call them if I go into labor early or late. They will automatically change the date if I tell them. I might also use my vacation time to take one extra week off: we were not able to get this baby into daycare until three weeks after my maternity leave is scheduled to end. The grandmas agreed to take care of him in the meantime, but I don't want to put them out too much, and my mom still has to go through physical therapy for her broken knee.
@caroduke I have a super generous leave plan (at least for the US), so I’m getting 12 weeks. I plan to work basically until I go into labor, but I have a WFH desk job so unless I’m just super miserable I’d rather spend all my time off after delivery. But man, the idea of not working sooner sure is nice. I’m over it!
@caroduke I work until the minute I'm in labor. With my first, prodromal labor started so I took off a few weeks before he was born. With my second, my water broke at my desk. With my third, I went into labor in the middle of the night and started leave the following day. Hopefully with this baby being due at the end of the school year, I'll be busy enough at work that I can work until she comes and maximize my maternity leave!
FTM/STM/TTM+: STM with twins EDD / Weeks + Days: May 27th but my doctor wants to do a c-section on my bday (May16) Baby is the size of a: Acorn Squash Team blue/pink/green: Pink x2 Upcoming Appointments: Growth ultrasound on Friday How are you feeling?: I feel good right now but fatigue comes and goes. Also my hips kill me in the morning. Rants/Raves: I can’t wait to sleep on my back/stomach again, side sleeping is not my thing! Questions: Any c-section recovery tips? GTKY: What was the last thing you read? The fifth agreement by Don Miguel Ruiz
@caroduke I’m thinking of working until two weeks before my c-section. My doctor said it’s up to me and how I’m feeling as long as there’s no concern. I’m currently working on switching clients to telehealth to make things a little easier.
@caro9318 I will be having my first C-section as well. My friend just had one December 9th. She said support belt. High waisted underwear. Fridamom has C-section strips I’m going to buy. Don’t get anything off the ground. I’ve had several laparoscopy surgeries for endometriosis and for a tubal/ovary removal, my doctor said it’s close to that in healing just a bigger incision. But I highly recommend vitamin e oil for the incision. Ask your doctor when it might be safe to use it and gentle massaging to help prevent scar tissue build up. My bellybutton from my endo surgeries got so inflamed and had massive scar tissue they had to make an incision above my bellybutton on my last one. With the vitamin e and gentle massaging I was able to avoid it so I’m hoping I can do it with my C-section incision, I already have 1inch scar where they do the C-section and that healed like a beauty each time and I’ve had 3 laparoscopy surgeries.
@jeep4x4mom thanks for sharing those tips! I’ll definitely ask my doctor about the vitamin E oil. I saw fridamom had a c-section kit, I was considering buying it if other have found the supplies useful. Also, good luck with your c-section, I hope everything goes smoothly!!
@caro9318 Take things slow and get as much help as you can! You will probably not be allowed to lift anything heavier than your baby at first, so your partner will have to lift the car seat when your baby is in it. Place one hand over your incision site if you have to cough, sneeze, laugh, blow your nose, or brush your teeth. Try to sleep on an incline if you are able so that it is less work on your abs to get out of bed. Drink plenty of water and eat foods that will keep you regular: spinal injections are opioid-based (mine was fentanyl), which slow down your system, and you want to take as much strain off your abs as possible. Like @jeep4x4mom said, you can massage your incision site once you are healed enough to prevent scar tissue buildup. The IG account expectingandempowered is a great resource to learn about scar mobilization. I did this regularly after my first pregnancy and I'm convinced it helped me become a better candidate for a VBAC. The ultrasound techs can't find my CS scar at all!
Upcoming Appointments: 3/20 growth scan, this might be the last one till 36w. He’s been maintaining 40% for weight. I will miss the biweekly scans but also ever so relieved to not be traveling that distance.
How are you feeling?: Exhausted, recovering from baby shower (ended up having friends over till like 10pm) and time change. My girls are having a hard time adjusting they are asleep at 8pm but it’s been more like 9:30/10pm this week 😩 they are cranky when off their schedules as well am I.
Rants/Raves: I bought my infant car seat early on. We’ll come to find out the base is recalled. I’ve been trying to buy a second base for our other car and I couldn’t figure out why the links vanished. It’s been recalled 🤦🏼♀️. So I tried calling maxi cosi, I was on hold for 30 minutes and they hung up on me 😭. I’m tminus 7 weeks till c section.
Questions: NATM
GTKY: What was the last thing you read? Honestly I haven’t read any adult books. I read kid books several times a night and I’m often too tired to read myself a book.
My most amusing kids book is “go the fuck to sleep”. It’s not for everyone but it made me historically laugh when reading it. My husband is a military man and every other word is a cuss word out of his mouth. So my girls know all the words but know not to use them. They constantly tell daddy that’s a bad word, he apologizes to them (it’s super cute). The book was a baby shower gift and it’s so relatable in the early toddler years when it can be difficult to get kids to sleep and your utterly exhausted wanting them to sleep.
@caro9318 hope yours goes smoothly as well. You won’t be too far behind me. I’m scheduled May 6th.
Realized I never came back and filled this out myself, lol.
FTM/STM/TTM+: STM EDD / Weeks + Days: 30w6d Baby is the size of a: boof Team blue/pink/green: pink Upcoming Appointments: growth scan in a few weeks (my first was only a few oz away from growth restriction so this is an extra one to screen) How are you feeling? Like my uterus is running into my ribs when I slouch. 😅 I feel ok as long as I have good posture. Rants/Raves: Got close enough to the “due date” I gave to Amazon so that I can get the “completion discount” on my baby registry, so I’ve been buying a lot. Mostly boring stuff (bottle nipples) but some exciting things (stroller gets delivered this weekend!). Questions: GTKY: What was the last thing you read? The Ancillary trilogy by Ann Leckie. It was probably six months ago. Somehow I can get on a kick and read a lot for a little while, then go a long time not reading anything. 😅
@BourbonBiscuits The kindergarteners wanting to pay you to have a baby immediately is hilarious.
@courtney701 I like to finish projects way ahead of time and I’m also waiting on my husband to do some house stuff that I’m like hurrrryyyyy upppppp but really, he has a lot of time to finish. 😅
@hestia-is-wearie Oh man, Remarkably Bright Creatures is on my TBR pile!
@gingermama46 The week’s almost over but **~~good vibes~~**.
@ashleyp625 Yay new crib! It’s frustrating to be missing just a part of something.
@abjm0325 Fellow heart burner. Pepcid/famotidine can be taken 20 mg twice daily although a lot of the over the counter bottles say just once a day. (So 40 mg total in 24 hours.) If that doesn’t work you can try one of the -omeprazoles (Prilosec, Prevacid, Nexium), which are a slightly different class of heartburn med. Those you have to take before symptoms start though—they don’t work as well after you feel symptoms.
Heartburn meds give me restless leg symptoms but my heartburn is also not adequately treated by Tums, so I have to pick which will keep me up at night! 😩
@katana3700 Limited activity is crazy making! Are you a craft person? I have a friend who was put on bed rest and learned to knit and started making like, a baby blanket every other day. 🫠 Best wishes for everyone staying healthy!
@caroduke In California after 36 weeks is protected so it’s easy for people to be written off work at that point, your job is protected and you can apply for disability payments then too through the state. So it’s really common for people to stop work after that point. Not me though 😅 my workplace is small and I don’t want to leave them with more staffing issues than my maternity leave already creates. I have a lot of ability to determine what level of activity I’m at at work though, like I won’t be forced to do heavy lifting if I can’t handle it and I don’t have limited bathroom breaks or anything, so I feel like I can protect my energy.
Re: Weekly Check-in: 3/13/23
EDD / Weeks + Days: 6/2 28+4?
Baby is the size of a:
Team blue/pink/green: pink
Upcoming Appointments: regular OB (and gestational diabetes test. Yum.) Friday then back to MFM in April
How are you feeling?: good! Just exhausted. Definitely a ton of SI joint pain. I just feel like my entire pelvis/lower back is crumbling at the end of the day.
Rants/Raves: my son's entire kindergarten class has been trying to bribe me to push the baby out. I went to pick him up last week and they all said they'd give me $10,000 to push the baby out right then. Which ... is not a bad deal.
GTKY: What was the last thing you read? Oooooh okay this sounds really awful, but I'm currently reading a Mary Roach called Gulp all about digestion and the alimentary canal. I love her books - they're so funny and informative and I just race through them.
EDD / Weeks + Days: 5/5, 32+4
Baby is the size of a: squash? I think?
Team blue/pink/green: blue
Upcoming Appointments: OB and placenta check/growth scan on Thursday
How are you feeling?: I second the hip/lower back pain. Omg.
Rants/Raves: Rave: Had my shower this weekend and it was so fun and now everything is starting to feel reaaaally real.
Rant (sort of): my husband’s office is going to become the baby’s room and he is moving down to the basement. This requires a bit of work in the basement on his part and he knows he has to do it soon so we can start getting stuff set up, but now I am starting to feel really impatient. I want to wash things and get everything organized!
Questions: none
GTKY: What was the last thing you read? Oh gosh I am in a Sarah J. Maas abyss and I love it here. I read the A Court of Thorns and Roses series, Crescent City series, and am deep in the Throne of Glass series now.
EDD / Weeks + Days: May 5 / 32W4D
Baby is the size of a: squash
Team blue/pink/green: blue
Upcoming Appointments: 3rd tri ultrasound next Monday. Gonna bring DD so she can see baby brother!
How are you feeling?: Tired. We visited an indoor water park this weekend and walking through the pool was tough on my legs, plus the hotel mattress was so soft I felt like I was sinking into it. I'm just glad DD slept all night in an unfamiliar location.
Rants/Raves: We've had almost no snow this winter and it decided to dump snow and ice on us this weekend. And since DH "didn't feel like shoveling the driveway" last night, DD slipped off the icy porch and hit her head this morning. Bright side, I think DH learned his lesson.
Questions: nope
GTKY: What was the last thing you read? I've been on a book kick because DH has been working out in the evenings. The last one I finished was Remarkably Bright Creatures, which I thought was just okay. Right now I'm reading The Villa, and although I'm loving the references to the origin of Frankenstein, it feels kind of dull so far.
EDD / Weeks + Days: 5/16 31w
Baby is the size of a: asparagus
Team blue/pink/green: blue
Upcoming Appointments: Friday
How are you feeling?: Tired. I know time change and everything, but I've been getting decent sleep and shouldn't be so so tired! Also experiencing some swelling if I don't move every hour or so or keep my feet propped up which is annoying.
Rants/Raves: Just going through some heavy personal stuff with our family. Need lots of prayers/good vibes next week.
Questions: NATM
GTKY: What was the last thing you read? House Across the Lake by Riley Sager, it was wild.
EDD / Weeks + Days: May 6, but likely here May 1; 32+3
Baby is the size of a: squash
Team blue/pink/green: pink
Upcoming Appointments: weekly growth scans and biophysical screenings start this Friday.
How are you feeling?: Tired and sore. On top of time change, DH worked all weekend, which leaves me on kid duty, and it’s exhausting lol. My hips and pelvic bones are SO sore in the morning, and today it lasted all day. Whee.
Rants/Raves: rant is that my dear husband lost the screws to the old crib and the new set he bought left it wiggly, so my rave is that MIL generously gifted us a new one for this baby and it’s finally coming on Thursday. I am MAKING him build it this weekend so we can finish decor in her room asap.
Questions: nothing
GTKY: What was the last thing you read? Yesterday I finished All Good People Here- I really liked it until the stupid ending, and today I’m starting Tell Me Lies. I don’t normally read so many thriller type books in a row, but all my holds came up at the same time at the library 😂
@hestia-is-wearie, aww man, RBC was my favorite book I read last year! I recommend it to everyone!
Edit: Posted too soon
@courtney701 Sarah J Maas has been on my to-read list for some time. What do you recommend starting with?
@hestia-is-wearie Poor DD! Glad you all had a good time at the water park though.
@gingermama46 Sending you lots of good thoughts ❤️
@ashleyp625 Yay for the new crib coming!
I think ACOTAR is the easiest plot to follow. There’s a LOT going on in Crescent City. A friend said she was taking notes 😂
EDD / Weeks + Days: May 7th / 32+2
Baby is the size of a: zucchini?
Team blue/pink/green: green
Upcoming Appointments: OB tomorrow then anatomy/ growth scan next Wednesday.
How are you feeling?: Overall not too bad, just tired and the typical 3rd trimester uncomfortable with night time heart burn, both of which make sleeping fun, which add to the tired .. so you know it's the best... Haha
Rants/Raves: rave... We had a weekend away in the mountains with my sister and her husband. It was great and really nice for DD to get some family time (we live in the next province over from our families).
Questions: what is everyone else's plans regarding how long you're going to work till? I thought with my last one it was pretty standard to get a doctor's note to get written off work a few weeks before your due date, but my OB said that wasn't something she was going to do as I didn't have a medical reason not to work... Just wondering what others experiences/ plans are.
GTKY: What was the last thing you read? The bodyguard by Katherine center. I usually read cheesy rom come as they're easy and fun
I might also use my vacation time to take one extra week off: we were not able to get this baby into daycare until three weeks after my maternity leave is scheduled to end. The grandmas agreed to take care of him in the meantime, but I don't want to put them out too much, and my mom still has to go through physical therapy for her broken knee.
EDD / Weeks + Days: May 27th but my doctor wants to do a c-section on my bday (May16)
Baby is the size of a: Acorn Squash
Team blue/pink/green: Pink x2
Upcoming Appointments: Growth ultrasound on Friday
How are you feeling?: I feel good right now but fatigue comes and goes. Also my hips kill me in the morning.
Rants/Raves: I can’t wait to sleep on my back/stomach again, side sleeping is not my thing!
Questions: Any c-section recovery tips?
GTKY: What was the last thing you read? The fifth agreement by Don Miguel Ruiz
Like @jeep4x4mom said, you can massage your incision site once you are healed enough to prevent scar tissue buildup. The IG account expectingandempowered is a great resource to learn about scar mobilization. I did this regularly after my first pregnancy and I'm convinced it helped me become a better candidate for a VBAC. The ultrasound techs can't find my CS scar at all!
EDD / Weeks + Days: May 13 / 31w5d
Baby is the size of a: bunch of asparagus
Team blue/pink/green: Blue
Upcoming Appointments: 3/20 growth scan, this might be the last one till 36w. He’s been maintaining 40% for weight. I will miss the biweekly scans but also ever so relieved to not be traveling that distance.
How are you feeling?: Exhausted, recovering from baby shower (ended up having friends over till like 10pm) and time change. My girls are having a hard time adjusting they are asleep at 8pm but it’s been more like 9:30/10pm this week 😩 they are cranky when off their schedules as well am I.
Rants/Raves: I bought my infant car seat early on. We’ll come to find out the base is recalled. I’ve been trying to buy a second base for our other car and I couldn’t figure out why the links vanished. It’s been recalled 🤦🏼♀️. So I tried calling maxi cosi, I was on hold for 30 minutes and they hung up on me 😭. I’m tminus 7 weeks till c section.
Questions: NATM
GTKY: What was the last thing you read? Honestly I haven’t read any adult books. I read kid books several times a night and I’m often too tired to read myself a book.
@caro9318 hope yours goes smoothly as well. You won’t be too far behind me. I’m scheduled May 6th.
EDD / Weeks + Days: 30w6d
Baby is the size of a: boof
Team blue/pink/green: pink
Upcoming Appointments: growth scan in a few weeks (my first was only a few oz away from growth restriction so this is an extra one to screen)
How are you feeling? Like my uterus is running into my ribs when I slouch. 😅 I feel ok as long as I have good posture.
Rants/Raves: Got close enough to the “due date” I gave to Amazon so that I can get the “completion discount” on my baby registry, so I’ve been buying a lot. Mostly boring stuff (bottle nipples) but some exciting things (stroller gets delivered this weekend!).
GTKY: What was the last thing you read? The Ancillary trilogy by Ann Leckie. It was probably six months ago. Somehow I can get on a kick and read a lot for a little while, then go a long time not reading anything. 😅
@courtney701 I like to finish projects way ahead of time and I’m also waiting on my husband to do some house stuff that I’m like hurrrryyyyy upppppp but really, he has a lot of time to finish. 😅
@hestia-is-wearie Oh man, Remarkably Bright Creatures is on my TBR pile!
@gingermama46 The week’s almost over but **~~good vibes~~**.
@katana3700 Limited activity is crazy making! Are you a craft person? I have a friend who was put on bed rest and learned to knit and started making like, a baby blanket every other day. 🫠 Best wishes for everyone staying healthy!
@jeep4x4mom My husband and I used to watch Samuel L Jackson read that book on a YouTube video. 🤣