Estimated Due Date / Weeks + Days:
Team Boy/Girl/Surprise:
Interesting baby fact / Baby is the size of:
Upcoming appointments:
How are you feeling:
Rants / Raves:
GTKY: If you could only wear one outfit for the rest of your daily life, what would it be?
Re: Weekly Check-in 3/6
June 4th, 27 weeks yesterday.
Third time mom
Team 🍏
A cabbage apparently
A few too many of both to dump onto a check-in
But one cute random is that two nights ago I woke up at 4 am to the baby leaping from side to side of the womb sloshing all my amniotic fluid and just having the best time in the world in there, I threw up shortly after because I was hella seasick from that but it was SO adorable 🥴
A Doen dress 😅
I'm not far off from doing this haha -- leggings, tank top and sweater
26 weeks today
Baby is the size of kale lol
Friday for strep b test and GD test
Okay. I can't complain too much still. Not sleeping too well these days. I feel oversized and nothing feels like it fits well anymore.
People commenting on "how big I am" shut the hell up.
Any fun spring break plans for anyone? Or spring plans in general?
This is hard. I'm in Wisconsin so come winter, I can't very well wear a sundress and sandals which is practically all I wear all summer. So to be reasonable, probably leggings and a tank top with a cardigan and a pair of Toms. But I'd prefer the sundress and sandals if weather wasn't a problem
I've heard great things about muddy buddy rainsuits but they only go up to 5T which my kids were almost outgrowing at 4yo when I first heard about them so I've never actually tried them myself.
My rain boots are just these ones: not particularly warm because I'm into flexible, "barefoot" footwear but comfortable and affordable and work well for me with wool socks in colder weather. I've had them for two years now with no leaking/cracking issues.
It's not really my babies fault, my stomach is just really sensitive, and I always get really sick as the end with the bigger movements, even with my first baby who was the gentlest chilliest little soul ever, I feel like all her movements were so small and timid and I still threw up and got sick all the time🥴
@hitcj4687 this baby is chiller than my second but more active than my first, it's really gentle for the most part and seems more rolly poly than the crazy insane mule kicker energy my son had in utero 😅 I think the universe gives you the opposite of what you had the second time around 😅
A simple jumpsuit or flightsuit. Just put me in a one-piece so I don't have to coordinate lol.
Although, I do feel guilty saying that and wonder if things would've been different especially the last couple years had we figured out he had ADHD sooner than we did. He's come so far these last couple years especially and is really just such a sweet, great kid (most of the time but DD has her moments too, don't we all 😆).
And maybe DD just seemed easier in some ways because we had some experience? Hopefully that's somewhat the case because 3rd time around this LO will be a breeze, right? 😏😂
Also DS1 and DS2 are different in just about every possible way. DS2 is our spirited boy, and DS1 was and is way more mellow. I think it is super common for your kids to not be carbon copies of each other, I wouldn't be surprised if Kai and Reese are polar opposites!
I find myself being very protective of anyone considering reese challenging, over talkative, etc. I can say these things because I'm his mother but for instance my grandma commented about his energy in a negative way and I just lost it. So while I know he can be challenging, I don't care for other people telling me so. Lol
june 15, 25w 5d
baby #5
baby weighs as much and 3 boxes of Kleenex.
March 17, glucose test 🤮
Leggings with a t shirt and “sweater jacket”…. Pretty much my daily uniform right now anyways but I love being comfy.
Oh absolutely, I do not play games with people saying things about my kids. Watch the eff out my friend. I'm very defensive
Jeans, a white T-shirt, and my doc martens
Team Boy/Girl/Surprise:
Interesting baby fact / Baby is the size of:
Upcoming appointments:
How are you feeling: pregnant. Definitely pregnant but no complaints
I know many people, my Dad included who have had the "can I love another child" fear. The youngest is by far my Dad's favorite. Haha
I find it crazy that a parent could have a favorite, but both of mine do.
I can tell you I do not. I love all my boys. I definitely will appreciate different traits that each child presents. They all have so many great qualities and quirks.
Yes a tailored relationship is key. Great way to state it. Each kid has their own energy and level of energy they bring to the table. I love them all for who they are as individuals. They are each so darn cool. I can't believe I made them!
But he helps me tremendously to be that way because I was a feisty second born like him and seeing him thrive in his personality while it was beaten out of me is REALLY effing hard but I'm super grateful for him. I think a key element of those difficult children is it feels hard to parent them within societal expectations, they're loud, they don't act in convenient ways, they push every last one of your buttons but it's those children who have the ability to change you as a parent and change the world around them and that thought really gives me a ton of comfort on hard days.
I'm waiting for the "how can I possibly love another baby as much as my son" energy to hit me, it hasn't yet but I've noticed I'm extremely sad about transitioning him to his own room for sleep, I feel almost like I'm pushing him away right before pulling the rug out from under his feet and I'm really struggling with that. I hope it goes well for both of our sakes.
and I do know from experience that your heart can hold more than you ever thought possible.
Also, even though I didn't ever experience the "will I love another" worry, I definitely worried about the transition for DS1 when DS2 was born. We weren't still bedsharing at that point with him, but his bed was in our bedroom. We were able to decide to leave him in our room for a few months after the baby was born since we would have baby in bed with us anyways. I think it made the transition easier to wait until *after* baby arrived, but we had the space, set up, and desire to do it that way and you may not! 🩶 hugs, it's hard to make big changes for your bigger kiddo when new baby arrives.
Estimated Due Date / Weeks + Days: June 19.. dr is planning to deliver no later than 38 weeks though.
I am 25 wks 2 days
Team Boy/Girl/Surprise: Boy
Interesting baby fact / Baby is the size of: cauliflower
Upcoming appointments: I have a reg OB appt on the 14th
How are you feeling: Feeling good just tired. This little guy is constantly kicking the crap out of my pelvic area so it’s really annoying and sometimes really uncomfortable the stronger he gets.
Rants / Raves: Rave! Little dudes room is complete. We put together his dresser finally and so now we just have to buy all the smaller things we need like diaper bag, soap, burp cloths… stuff like that.
GTKY: If you could only wear one outfit for the rest of your daily life, what would it be? I have already been doing that sorta! Haha! All I wear are comfy T-shirts and leggings… I’ve found that my align leggings are the most comfortable… at least for now while they still fit haha.
I definitely think we get the children we need in order to do the work too, which I love because my children are the greatest catalyst to my own healing. I guess I anticipate some "will I have enough capacity for two" worries or maybe some grief for my son but yeah it hasn't shown up yet, I was worried about the move and there were things he struggled with but he's happy about our new home and loves the new neighborhood and his eating and sleep haven't suffered yet so I think he's handling the transition better than I am at this point 😅 I hope bringing a new baby home goes smoothly too and that we all have extra empathy for each other because there will be some hiccups.
I probably would just keep my son in our room until after the baby is here but bedsharing itself is really hard since we have this tiny queen bed and he's outgrown our sidecar crib, like %100 doesn't fit anymore, and we don't really have the space to bedshare with him and put the new baby in the sidecar unless my partner starts sleeping on the couch or something so it's definitely just a space thing at this point, I wish we had a king bed then I wouldn't have to worry about it because actually I really don't mind bedsharing with him now that he's older and I have less anxiety about him smothering than I have with newborns. We had a king bed in all the hotels and he and I had a separate air mattress once we moved in and it was really nice. We could theoretically get him a small bed with a bigger crib mattress and try to make that fit in our room but at the same time it feels silly to buy him a twin bed for his room and a small bed for our room and the sidecar mini crib is the only one we own. So yeah we're going to have to figure out a ton of logistics honestly and if he won't transition to his own room peacefully we'll probably be brainstorming beds to fit in our room anyways lol.
How does everyone else do sleeping arrangements for baby and toddlers?
Around toddler age if they're up in the night sick, DH will go sleep in their bed and they'll sleep in our bed with me (and I actually sleep) or if we go to a hotel we'll do a "sleepover" with one kid in each bed with us but it's definitely not a habit for us either because it just doesn't work for me 🫣
@thoseboysmama we have always bedshared until ~2-2.5. It is for our sanity through and through, especially when they are babies. We were both too anxious to have the kids far away, and both of them nursed frequently through the night and I didn't want to have to physically get up for feeds! With DS1 we roomshared about a year after he moved into his own bed because the change happened to fall at the same time we moved into a new house and he was terrified. With DS2, we will be moving him in with DS1 in the next month. No plans to do anything different with this baby, the set up works for us and our kids!
I have always slept with baby in bassinet next to bed and we nap snuggling and such, but I'm so afraid of rolling on baby. I never have and I am a light sleeper, but that scares me. Even more so my husband rolling on them.
Families are so interesting to me. How they function, birth order, all the dynamics. Psychology in family is just fascinating to me. Our brains are masterpieces, most the time.
With my toddler, he was in his bassinet in our room until 3 months. We transitioned to the crib in his room at that point and it's been great for all of us. He's come into our bed once or twice as a toddler when he was sick, but he honestly prefers his crib. He loves having his own space!
New babe will be in a bassinet, then a pack n play in our room until she's sleeping through the night. The kiddos will share a room after that!