2nd Trimester

Post partum mamma must haves

I need to empty out my HSA. So I will be shopping for post partum stuff for me (diapers and all) as well as stuff for baby. Like gripe water, and vitamin D drops, even soaps. 

If you ladies have any must haves please list them. I'm creating my list now and will post my favorite ones as well once I have a moment to think clearly. 

Re: Post partum mamma must haves

  • I had a postpartum care wish list before I started my baby registry, so I totally get wanting to be prepared! You don't need diapers for yourself; by the time you're home from the hospital, the bleeding is like a heavy period. Overnight pads (I like the ultra thin ones and they worked fine) will do for a bit, then regular pads, then pantyliners. I used each of those for maybe a week or two each. Gripe water or gas drops isn't necessarily recommended, talk to your pediatrician about that one (most aren't harmful, but there's no evidence they're helpful)

    For you:
    Peri bottle with a bent nozzle (they give you a basic one at the hospital, but this is better. Look at Frida for an example, but there are cheaper options),
     witch hazel pads ("tucks", but you could also ask the hospital to send extra home. I went through one and a half canisters, but the hospital only sent me home with one)
    Epsom salts (you could use with a sitz bath, but I never had 10 minutes to just sit, so I never used that. But I did use the Epsom salts to soak a milk blister on my nipple)
    Reusable breast pads
    Hakaa, if you're breastfeeding. Both the regular and ladybug; ladybug to catch milk on opposite breast while nursing (the full size was too big, my baby would've kicked it off), full size to relieve engorged breasts or soak blebs
    Pads (no tampons allowed until your six week checkup, and if you're not breastfeeding you may get your first period by then). One large pack each of overnight and regular was more than enough for me.
    If breastfeeding, extra pump parts and milk storage bags
    If breastfeeding, silver nursing cups ("Silverettes")- I have used these every day since my baby was born 2 months ago, and have never needed lanolin/creams or any other nipple protectors. And I have really sensitive nipples!
    Ice packs for your breasts ("Therapearl"). I haven't used it often, but it's nice to have when needed

    For baby:
    Nose Frida Snot Sucker. It sounds gross but works so well and is an absolute must have!
    Rectal thermometer. Again, sounds gross and inconvenient, but it's the most accurate and will be really important when you need it
    Nasal saline
    If breastfeeding, vitamin D drops
    Tylenol and/or ibuprofen (don't use until you get your pediatrician's okay)
    Baby sunscreen (don't use until 6 months)

  • thoseboysmamathoseboysmama member
    edited March 2023
    I used earthly, motherlove, and wishgarden tinctures last time and I really thought they made a difference in recovery as well as with milk supply. Also helps clear ducts. 
    The BLUE dermaplast
    TUCKS pads
    I use 1 pack of diapers everytime. Just makes it easier and nothing gets ruined. I bleed heavy for about a week and then I'm done.
    Nipple balm
    Silver nip shields
    Breast heating and cooling pads 
    Pump and haakaa
    Red light therapy wand, I am in love with this product. 
    Epsom salt baths or shower steamers
    I make sure my vitamin regimen is good
    Drink lots. So water obviously but I use enhanced electrolytes (now and post partum) the nun tablets are good. Coconut water as well. 
    Snacks like protein bars, mama chia seed pouches. Lots of overnight oats and avocados. Cheese and nut snacks, etc. I literally move a mini fridge into my room as a night stand while post partum. Helps store milk and everything is right there! Game changer!!!
    I also do little unnecessary things too, like face masks, really good skin creams, foot peels, hair masks, etc. To help my body feel better and myself too. You feel kinda yucky at times in those following weeks. 

    Vitamin D drops 
    Ionic zinc too I usually start in on this closer to fall or if I have a fall winter baby pretty quickly (of course check with doc)
    Gripe water
    Infant OK meds (no honey)
    Vaseline if you have a boy and circumcise
    Hair scrub brush 
    Coconut oil (for cradle cap)

    That's all I can think of product wise for healing and boosting milk. I always can't keep up with my boys at about the 10/11 month mark so boosting early seems to help me.

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